t h e e n d . . . f o r n o w

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 Hey guys... so I had to delete wattpad, but a lot has happened in the last almost year.. Ginger changed her name to Vinney, and continued to break my heart until she left "for good" and then I started to be okay, but then everyone else started leaving me, but I pretended to be okay. I went to LOVELOUD with some friends, but I had been planning to commit suicide the next day; on that day Madie texted me asking me to check my email, so I did, and.. Vinney emailed me, trying to apologize, again.. and for some reason, I saw it as a sign, and I accepted her apology, and then she asked me out, and I stupidly said yes, then not even a month later, she dumped me, for Sabrina... again. I moved to Cottonwood High School and I met a really sweet girl in my dance class, her name was Saorise, and she asked me out, I said yes, we dated for like 2 weeks, then I left her because I wasn't over Vinney, then I realized what a big mistake that was, so I asked her for a second chance, she said okay, and then she left me for someone better.. so I tried to move on, I developed a crush on a guy named Israel, and he liked me too, but then around homecoming, Rikelle told him to ask me out, and that night, I told him I couldn't and that I wasn't stable enough, and then the next day someone twisted everything and we got in a fight, we didn't talk for a few weeks, then I apologized and we were friends again, then a thing again, then I went to see Vinney, she told me she was going to leave Sabrina because she saw a more clear future with me, but then Sabrina and her got in a fight and Sabrina left her, a couple weeks later, she told me she needed to give herself time to get over Sabrina, and then 2 days later, she texted me, she asked me out, I impulsively said yes, I told Israel, and I felt horrible for breaking his heart again, he told me we couldn't be friends again, I said okay, even though I didn't want to; I realized how toxic Vinney was, and I left her, I asked my friend Jennifer to talk to Israel because he was ignoring me, it took a lot of convincing, but he agreed, so we were a thing again, and this time, I didn't fuck it up, I asked him out in a note on December 17, 2019, he said yes, it's now been 2 months and I finally had a valentine, and I couldn't be happier with him. When Israel and I first started dating, I had my friend read my palms, she was professionally trained, she said my "soul mark" was around the beginning of the year; this means I met my soulmate at the beginning of the school year, which is when I met Israel. I asked my other friend Braydon (who's sidekick) if my soulmate was Israel, and I truly believe that; sure we have occasional arguments, but we get over it and everything goes back to how it was.

Thank you for reading, but this is the end for now, goodbye.

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