Chapter 13

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The canvas in front of her remained a stark white, bright against the paint splatter on the walls behind it. Olivia fought the frustration that welled in her throat as she glared at it, sure that it's emptiness was mocking her. With every attempt to lift her brush, something in her forced it to fall.

She knew why she was experiencing creative block, guilt and anger swirled through her thoughts. Her talk with Tomas had awakened a growing sympathy for Jake and dimmed some of the fire within her, thought the anger was still there. Until she reconciled with the parts of her clamouring for attention, she was going to be stuck.

Olivia left the classroom unsatisfied, unfulfilled. She met up with Laura, who looked a little worse for the wear, looking so unlike the usually talkative person she was. The latter remained quiet, despite Olivia's best attempts to draw her into a conversation.

"Will you at least tell me what's wrong?" Olivia slammed her locker shut, growing more and more frustrated with each growing moment of silence. "I don't deserve to be on the receiving end of your wrath."

Olivia was again met with silence, the grinding of her teeth the only noise either made until Olivia broke the silence again, "

Laura walked in silence for another few moments before stopping and turning to look at Olivia, "I tried to kiss Tomas."

Her voice was low, but the pain was clear, "Laura, Tomas was clearly upset about whatever was going on with Jake and Hannah. Now is not the time to be making a move on him."

"I know that!" Laura yelled back, and then quieted, "I know that. He was just right there, talking about how he had no one because no matter what happened, Hannah and Jake would always side with each other and he'd be left out. He was so sad and I wanted to show him he had someone, me?"


"I know that was the wrong way to show him that, but I got caught up in the moment," Laura sighed, "Why do I have such terrible luck in guys?"

"Maybe you should switch to women?" Olivia suggested with a smile.

That was enough to elicit a smile from Laura, "I think it's a little too early for that, but I'll keep your suggestion in mind."

"Alright," Olivia revelled in the momentary bliss of her friend's brightened mood, "You know, I think I might need a pair of shoes for prom."

"Really?" She couldn't contain her excitement, "I know this great place and I think I saw a pair of shoes that might match. If not, we could always browse the mall a little."

"Okay." Olivia said, feeling a little daunted by her enthusiasm. That didn't mean Olivia wasn't so happy that her friend had cheered up, "Maybe we'll find some jewelry to go with our dresses."

She held her arm out for Laura to take, "I like the way you think Campbell."

Laura roped her arm in Olivia and the two went on their way.

The two had a couple of classes before school ended, but as soon as they had, they were speeding down Watergrove Lane a couple of miles over the speed limit. They blasted the music, singing along as turned they corner into the mall parking lot. Laura carefully eased into a parking spot in one of the first few rows, displaying a caution that she lacked driving on the road itself.

Their first stop was a little boutique near the mall food court. The shoes Laura had suggested were gone by the time they got there, sold to some bride in looking at bridesmaids dresses. The salesman showed them a few other pairs that he thought might match their dresses, but nothing they liked or could afford on their budget.

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