Chapter 19

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Cheryl had disappeared into the crowd by the time Jake had a comeback. Her hair swung in the breeze behind her, earning looks of envy from most of the women she passed. Olivia craned her neck, trying to see where she had gone, but found herself unable to catch a glance of the retreating woman.

Jake cursed, "I hate when that happens."

"When what happens? When Cheryl somehow manages to get the last word and leave your pride wounded?" Hannah laughed, "That happens more than it should. It seems like every time Jake tries to say something witty, Cheryl just pops up and leaves him speechless."

He pouted, looking far cuter than Olivia wanted to admit. To get her mind off him, she changed the subject, "So, are you guys hungry? We were on our way to get something to eat when we ran into her."

"Of course," He nodded vigorously, wondering why he hadn't suggested such a thing himself. Probably because of Cheryl.

"Actually," Hannah stepped between the two lovebirds, ready to allow them to have their date. She was done having her fun for the day, "I have to get going. My mother insists on taking me out for dinner so she's on her way to pick me up now."

That wasn't a complete lie, someone was on their way to pick her up. It just wasn't her mother.

"Really?" Jake couldn't hide his relief, he wanted nothing more than to be alone with Olivia.

"Here, catch." Hannah tossed over her keys, not waiting for him to respond. As expected, he bobbled them a little before closing them firmly in his fist, "Have fun you two,"

"Okay." Jake and Hannah seemed to be having some sort of telepathic conversation and Olivia honestly didn't care.

Jake had promised her a milkshake and she would be damned if he didn't pay up. She had enjoyed shopping with Hannah, for the most part. Though, she had noticed Hannah dragging it out, but allowed it to happen because she was terrified Hannah would kill her if she spoke up.

The pair said goodbye to Hannah, dropping her off at the entrance nearest to the food court. She waved goodbye to them and walked outside, leaving Jake and Olivia to stand awkwardly together. Hannah had been a buffer for the two, a way to talk and joke without the expected uncomfortableness.

"So..." She turned to face him, trying to break the silence.

"So..." Jake wasn't exactly sure how to start phase one of wooing Olivia, other than just doing what he had promised to entice her in the first place, "Want to go get that milkshake?"

That's how we find our two heroes, awkwardly sipping on their milkshakes in silence. There's very little else to describe their interaction, it's not like they're doing much else. Jake was fuming inside and Olivia was bored to tears. She had begun regretting that had ever agreed to hanging out with him, even if the milkshake was earth-shatteringly good.

Olivia had been trying, and obviously failing, to make conversation for the better part of twenty minutes. Poor girl.

"I doubt it'll work out." A voice behind me says and everything freezes, including poor Olivia's milkshake, which was up in the air because of a cheap, wobbly table.

B stands behind me, grinning as she walks to the table before me me. I notice she is wearing makeup and her hair is curlier than usual, and shorter. It's a good look on her, I have to admit. Especially as she smiles at me, my heart beats just a little faster than it had before.

"Hey," I scratch the back of my neck, trying to play it cool for her, "What are you doing here?"

"My mother dragged me here. She's somewhere back there," She waves her hand in the general direction from where she had come, "She insisted on getting a cut and then my cousin, who is a hairstylist, gave it a little curl so I could see what it looked like for Prom. And then my mother took me to one of the makeup counters to have them put some on so we could test out a look."

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