Chapter 25

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"It's the perfect name for a background character. BC, huh? Background Character, you got my initials right that first time." Pain crosses her lovely face, mauling the serene expression my question had brought her. "I've really got to get going, I have to get ready for Prom."

"Prom isn't until tomorrow,"

"Well, I'm a girl...sometimes we have a lot of stuff to prepare for. It takes a lot of...I'm just really upset Ian, okay? I need a little time alone," B doesn't look at me as she speaks, "Being here with you, it dredges up a lot of deep shit for me. You make me feel seen, but I'm still ignored when you're not here. I really gotta go."

She spares me a parting glance, the empathy in her eyes assuaging some of the guilt.

Blake. Her name is Blake, but I guess I still like B.

Before I know it, the sky outside is dark and I stand in front of a large home. The house was brick and the style certainly didn't fit the geographical location it was located, but damned if it weren't very nice. I can assume that this house belongs to Cheryl, and this theory is confirmed as Jake and Olivia stepped out of Hannah's car.

"Wow," was all Olivia could say as she gazed at Cheryl's home again. Everything she looked at it, the house seemed to grow bigger.

"I know," Jake slammed his dorm and joined her on the passenger side. He had to pry Olivia's hands off the door so he could shut it and lock up the car, "It took a while to get to not openly gawking every time I pulled up. Even now, I'm not totally over how crazy this house is."

"Yeah, I know."

"Well you must be used to it." Jake couldn't help but think of her own home.

"That's my grandparent's home, I live with them. That being said, I'm still not used to living there." Olivia laughed, "I still get lost in my own home, that's how unused to the place I'm now forced to call home I am."

"Wow." Was all Jake could say as he gazed at her.

The two were greeted at the door by Hannah, whose warm smile was a relief for Olivia. She had expected Cheryl to be on the other side of the door when it opened.

"You guys have to try this vodka," Hannah giggled, which seemed so out of character to Olivia. There were people at their school who were terrified of Hannah, and the rest respected the hell out of her; if anyone saw her now, they'd be understandably surprised. "Oh, and Laura and Tomas can't come. They just called Cheryl. Laura is like working, and...Tomas still hates me so he made up some stupid reason why he can't come just so he can avoid me further. Woohoo!"

"Sorry," Cheryl took ahold of the woozy Hannah, steering her back onto one of the couches as Olivia and Jake followed. "She was fine until Tomas texted me and she decided to take his reasoning as being her, instead of having to buy a new tie to match Laura's dress because she insisted as much. When I wasn't looking, she found the vodka I had stashed away for us and drank more than her nights share."

"It's not your fault, Hannah has always been a lightweight," He took a seat next to her. She moved to her feet but fell just as quickly, landing on Jake's lap, "I don't know why when she's so freaking big, most people her size have no problem with alcohol, but not her."

Cheryl moved around them and placed two bowls of chips and a plate of cookies on the coffee table before them. As Jake tried to situate Hannah on the couch, Cheryl ducked down and rustled through the cabinets below. Olivia was left to take a cautious seat on the couch, careful to keep a distance from Cheryl while giving Jake and Hannah the space they so obviously needed.

"To be fair," Cheryl help up an empty bottle, "She did drink a lot this time. That's good to know for next time, you know? I don't think I've ever actually seen her drink before tonight."

"Hannah hates to be out of control," Jake turned to Olivia, "Do you want anything? Cheryl's got a little draft beer and hopefully there's some vodka left."

"Definitely some vodka left!" She called out from behind the minibar. "But Olivia looks like the kind of girl who can't shoot vodka."

"I'll take a beer then," Olivia huffed out and looked at her as scathingly as possible.

Cheryl sauntered over, two shots in one hand and a beer mug in the other. She placed one of the shots within reach of Jake and the other across from his. She pulled a coaster out of the centerpiece and then placed that down in front of Olivia, setting the beer mug on it.

The four chattered on, talking and laughing as they grew drunker and drunker. Hannah quickly reached the point where she could drink no more, so Cheryl escorted her upstairs. It was a pretty difficult thing for her to do because Cheryl herself wasn't quite so large in stature while Hannah was the very opposite. That just left Olivia and Jake staring at each other from the opposite couches, both slightly tipsier than they would have like.

Olivia stumbled into the nearest bathroom, dragging her overnight bag with her. She quickly shed her clothes and changed into something much more comfortable, a soft pair of shorts and a cotton shirt. Jake had done the same, Olivia noted when she stepped out of the bathroom, as he lounged wearing an old sweatshirt and a pair of plaid pajama pants.

As she took a few steps to the couch, she stumbled a little bit. Jake quickly rushed to her side and led her outside, hoping the cool air would sober her up a little. If she didn't, she wouldn't be able to make it up the treacherous climb of Cheryl's staircase.

"Feel any better?" Jake sidled up close to her as he watched her shiver a little, "It's a little chilly tonight.

"Hopefully it's a little warmer tomorrow." Cheryl appeared, waltzing through the glass doors, "We all know one of the juniors is going to waltz in with a short, strapless dress that barely covers her ass." She scoffed, "How tacky."

Olivia was forced to scoot over as Cheryl wormed her way between the two, "Glad you could join us. It's not as if we were having a lovely time without you here to ruin it."

"That's my job," Cheryl glanced over at Jake, "To be a cock block. I mean this is my own home and as such, I reserve to right to implement a whole 'no hookups' in my house rule."

"Whatever." Olivia muttered to herself as she got up off the couch. She moved to exit the house, but instead of Jake, who she expected to stop her, she found Cheryl blocking her path of exit. Or entrance, because she was entering the house, "What are you doing? I'm going to leave."

"No, I'll leave," Cheryl couldn't contain her yawn, "I need my beauty sleep. I also need to sleep off those eight shots of vodka and that cup of wine at the end, I figure the sooner I start, the less hungover I'll be."

"Good." Olivia was happy to see her walk away, "Yes, thanks for bringing me out here. I'm starting to feel a lot better now that I'm out here in the cool air," She couldn't stop the chill that shot through her spin, "Despite how cold it is. I don't even mind that we got too drunk to barbecue"

"I can get you a jacket," He moved to take the sweatshirt he wore off, despite wearing nothing beneath it, "Take my sweatshirt."

"No, I'm okay. The cold is just what I need."

"If you say so," Jake lowered the hem of his sweatshirt.

The night was silent and Jake and Olivia once again found themselves at a loss for words.

Except this time, they turned to each other. Jake leaned down and, with just seconds to midnight, he softly pressed his lips to hers.

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