I'm really in this now

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TJ didn't know what to think. He had gone to Iris' party only because he had invited Cyrus, and even then, seeing him drunk was an...experience.

He had walked in with Amber, who immediately went to Andi, who was awkwardly sitting next to Marty and Buffy. TJ panicked when he saw Cyrus, he had texted him saying he'd be there, but other than that TJ didn't know what to do with his new truth. He had a crush on Cyrus Goodman. Amber had told him to confess, but he couldn't just do that. So instead, he ignored him.

But, he couldn't help but feel Cyrus' eyes on him. God, he probably thinks I'm a jerk again. He had thought. TJ had spent the entire day with knots in his stomach, confessing to Cyrus meant his crush was real and didn't know if he wanted to change what they had. He wasn't very good at change. TJ went to his old friend group at the party because it was comfortable, at least with them nothing was new.

"Yo," said Lester.

"Hey," Tj had greeted them as he quickly eyed Cyrus. Is he drinking?

His old friend group consisted of Reed, Lester, Tom, Angel, and Matthew. He hadn't spoken to them organically in a while, but he didn't expect them to change much. All they did was smoke weed and talk about girls, one of which TJ never explored much of. The guys liked to call themselves the "Gucci gang" (emphasis on the Gucci) for reasons TJ had already forgotten after the third hit.

"Bro, this shit hits harrrrd" Tom had told Reed, "Is my face still here??" The gang busted out laughing, but TJ couldn't help but catch a glimpse of Cyrus looking at him again. Cyrus had been sitting on the floor, his head in Andi's lap as they gently raked his hair back with their fingers. God I wish that were me.

"YOO TT! You good man? This shit bops right?" Lester had snapped his fingers in front of TJ's face.

"Huh? Oh, yea. It hits I guess." TJ said, itching behind his ear.

"Hey man, what's up? Are you not having fun?" Lester lowered his voice and leaned closer, he was the most emotionally intelligent out of all of them. "Dude," Lester said, "Do you wanna talk? I know you're not high, this weed is wack" Lester chuckled.

TJ looked over at Cyrus again, who he saw looking longingly at Jonah, who was laughing with Walker.

Lester followed his gaze, "Oh," Lester said, "got it. You know we all know right? Like we been knew since middle school."

TJ blinked in surprise, "And you guys are like, okay with that?"

"Dude, come on. We're your bros and it's the 21st century," Lester said.

TJ chuckled slightly and grinned, "Shit, I didn't even know till this week." TJ had looked over again, this time Cyrus caught his eye, raised his cup to his lips, and chugged its contents.

"Bro, you don't think he's straight right?" Lester said with raised eyebrows as he hit it again.

"He dated Iris." TJ said as Lester passed it to him. He passed it to Angel, he had had enough.

"Don't be so dense T, sexuality is fluid."

"Lester you're like a straight up guru right now. When'd you get so wise huh?" Tj said as he nudged him with his shoulder. Lester shrugged.

By midnight, the music had become so defining that TJ thought it would bring the house down. He couldn't see Cyrus anymore which made him anxiously fidget with the hem of his hoodie. What if something happened to him?

Because of the drunk dancing teenagers, the gang had moved from their corner to the kitchen. TJ and Lester sat on the counter as Reed, Angel, and Tom had decided to get as drunk as humanly possible. TJ had poured sprite into a red cup to make it seem like he was drinking. He hated the feeling of being out of control. He had been staring at the contents at hand when Lester nudged his shoulder and said, "Hey, look who's here"

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