Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It took them a day to plan the break-out.

Lyla was mildly excited about the whole procedure. Also, mildly concerned. Upon reflection, she supposed she had done something similar before- like last spring when she broke into a marine farm with Ari and Aveline - but if the royals caught them, she would go to prison, then, even worse; her mother would find out.

"Why do you two always get me into these situations?" She'd wondered aloud to Ari on the ship earlier that day.

"I don't know what you expected," Ari had said, examining a rusted, wrench-like tool which Lyla assumed would be used to break into Kai's cell. "Hm, princess? Regret stealing onto our ship yet?"

"Not quite yet."

He flashed her a grin. "I'll give you a few more months."

Ari seemed to be cheerier today. Which was good, because when Ari was out of sorts, he made sure everyone was, too- at least that was what Aveline said.

"So," said Lyla now, licking an errant drop of peach juice off of her finger (not very ladylike, but who was around to judge her?), "assuming this works, and Kai isn't lying, what are we going to do when we meet the witch coven?" It was past midnight on a weekday, which meant that the castle was quiet and Camille wasn't throwing one of her famous balls. Lyla sat on the ship in the hallway of the living quarters with Jamie while they waited for Aveline and Ari to meet them. She was too keyed up to be tired, at least- her body was perhaps finally adjusting to an abnormal sleep schedule.

Jamie reached over to snag the fruit Lyla was eating and took a generous bite, speaking with her mouth full. "Hopefully find out what the hell's going on. If the witches are behind it, then the mystery is solved. If not..."

"Then we cross another suspect off our list."


Lyla squinted at her friend. Her hair was loose, and wearing trousers and a blouse instead of a daygown she almost resembled the old Jamie. "Look at you," she teased.


"You look like a poor Diviel thief."

"I am a poor Diviel thief." Jamie reached over to ruffle Lyla's hair, and Lyla stuck her tongue out.

The door opened across from them, and there stood Aveline, shucking a dark leather overcoat on her shoulders. Her eyes were wide and excited, and Lyla wondered if Aveline had ever been in a mood less than radiant and sunny. "Are we ready?"

"We told Eli to meet us, just like you asked," reported Jamie. "Where's Ari?"

Aveline gave them a look as she turned around and rapped on the door next to hers.

"What is it?" Ari opened it, one hand lifting to scrub the back of his hair. Lyla had never seen Ari tired; she realized, it was a bit strange to see him slowly blinking his eyes; sleepy and vulnerable just like... well, a person. He wasn't wearing a shirt, giving them full view of the scars that criss-crossed the muscles on his torso. Jamie blushed profusely and Lyla quickly averted her eyes, but Aveline didn't seem fazed in the slightest.

"Get out here, idiot," she ordered. "We're breaking Kai out of prison."

He grunted in response.

"Hurry up. And put something on, will you? You're making our friends uncomfortable."

Ari disappeared back into his room. "Whatever."

A few moments later, they found Eli in the courtyard of the palace. He jogged over to meet them, his golden hair bouncing a bit with each step.

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