Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Jamie was, understandably, quite upset.

They heard the whole situation from her once they managed to sit her down in a chair with some tea. Ari hovered near her anxiously as if he desired to give comfort but wasn't sure if he should. Why, Lyla had no idea. She didn't understand him sometimes.

"It's not fair." Jamie's hands pressed to her cheeks, which had paled in her distress. "I've been going to balls and having archery lessons and selfishly fooling around while Ben has been sick."

"You didn't know, Jamie, and besides- you've been doing important work with us here," Lyla pointed out, but Jamie didn't appear convinced.

Lyla was just grateful that Ben seemed to have been the only one with any sort of malady. Tristran, as penned in his letter, felt nothing out of sorts. And yet, if something terrible were to befall his husband, Lyla couldn't imagine what he would do, how he would feel...

Jamie voiced her thoughts. "If anything happens to him, I-"

"Nothing's happening to Ben." Ari firmly cut into her train of thought before she could finish the sentence. "Let's not make assumptions; we don't even know why he's ill."

"Tristran said he has a fever. Isn't that how the villagers started?" Jamie's tone was bordering on hysteria, and Lyla thought they ought to move; currently they stood behind a flowerpot in the corner of the ballroom, and people were beginning to stare. "I must go to him," Jamie said woodenly, her eyes fixed blankly ahead at some unseen point on the wall. "I have to see him."

"Shh, Jamie, it's alright." Ari's hand landed firmly on her shoulder, the intensity in his eyes making Lyla look away. "She needs to sit down."

Eli stood up, smoothing his hands over any wrinkles in his coat before signalling for a servant.

"Lady Jamie is unwell. Please give our regards to the hostess, as we will be escorting her to her chambers."

The servant bowed, somehow managing to balance his tray of champagne flutes at the same time, and the noises of the ball gradually receded behind as they emptied into the hallway.

"I'm fine," Jamie protested, shrugging their concerns off. "I.. just.. I have to go to Apreuna."

"Perhaps I should go with her," Lyla murmured now as she watched Jamie's maid tuck her safely into her bed. Aveline and Ari spoke softly to her while Eli waited outside the door with Lyla.

"We could all go," Eli offered, without much feeling; both of them knew that wasn't a realistic option. If the Verignes mystery illness had truly befallen Ben, then there was more reason now to figure out was behind it and hopefully locate a cure.

"We need you here, Lyla." Aveline's gaze rested on hers with urgency. "Besides, Ari's right— Ben's fever could have nothing to do with what's happening here."

"Either way, it's not a coincidence we should overlook."

"I agree. But we can easily send Jamie on one of the royal vessels; she'll be looked after then. Tristran can pick her up at the harbor."

Ari appeared in front of them, then. The bruises under his eyes were more apparent than usual, Lyla wondered if he'd gotten much sleep the night before.

"We're sending her out tomorrow morning," he mumbled, brushing past them. "She doesn't wish for anyone to come with her."

Well, that answered that question; Ari didn't leave any room for argument.

"It's not helping her to stay here," explained Eli. "She needs to see Benjamin-"

"She needs to rest," Ari interjected. He started to walk back down the corridor, his hands tense at his sides, so Lyla took this as 'good night'.

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