chapter 10

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Later that afternoon Todd and the others went home Sal and the girls aren't allowed to be discharged until tomorrow morning. "Hey bud I have to go home and get some work done I'll be here tomorrow when you leave ok, "Henry told his son as Lisa grabbed her keys "Hey Lar bear do you want to come home with us or stay here with Sal," Lisa asked her son. "I'm gonna stay here with Sal and my girls" Larry responded. Sal was just staring at the wall not saying anything. Sal got Postpartum depression which occurs after childbirth they snap out of after a while but it's not fun. "Hey Sal you gonna be ok" Larry asked Sal just nodded. "It's fine he'll snap out of it soon but it's not fun" Dr. Zichi responded giving Larry his girls. "Your daughter Diane is perfectly healthy but your daughter Lilly has severe asthma and will need an inhaler for the rest of her life" Dr. Zichi stated. "Ok thanks" Sal said quietly. thanks

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