The new kid and the troublemaker (I)

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It was a normal Tuesday morning. everyone was tired. everyone was bored. and everyone was laughing as Brendon came moonwalking into the classroom. everyone was amused. 

if you asked Brendon he would've told you he was far from amused. he hated this but it was just what he did. too big the fear of someone asking him if he was alright. I mean he looked more than alright. he had a big grin on his face and squinty eyes as he looked around at the people laughing. his attention was drawn to the teacher. Mrs. Langford. she was not one to joke with. but that just made it funnier right? getting teachers mad and on the edge. it got the people laughing so Brendon assumed what he did was right.

"Mr. urie? youre late. again." she stated in a stern tone. Brendon doubted she could even talk in any other way. usually he didnt like getting in trouble. who would tho? his head turned quickly. his eyes flew over the crowded classroom. everyone had hopeful eyes. they hoped for a witty joke, a sassy comment. just anything they could laugh about. they expected it. 

he knew if he didnt react with anything like that soon people would've started wondering. they would've asked 'Brendon are you alright?' not because they were worried. but because their main entertainment wasn't there. like an old TV that stopped working so you'd hit it until the static disappeared. he knew that would be how people thought of him. well not literally.

his eyes shifted back at mrs. Langford, still with his bright grin that almost functioned like a mask for him. "sorry mrs. I was waiting for my tinder date but he never showed up." confusion was written on her forehead. she didnt understand a bit so she furrowed her eyebrows trying to figure what that possibly meant. 

some of the class got where he was going, chuckling to themselves. they tried to hold in until Brendon was finished joking. or basically just insulting the teacher.

Brendon looked at her for a couple seconds sensing the confusion. he took it as a sign to continue. he raised his eyebrows as if he forgot something and it just came back to his mind. "oh shit no that was you yesterday, my bad." he said with a grin. the whole class was laughing. mrs. Langford wasn't as amused. she was used to hearing that type of comments from Brendon and she figured there was nothing to stop him. he's had all sorts of punishments. he had to stay after school and do extra work. his parents got called into the principals office. but nothing held him back from being a complete asshole to his teachers.

in all honesty. Brendon never understood why his classmates laughed at that. they always acted like he just told the funniest joke in history. he knew it wasn't funny. he always had to force himself to laugh over his own bullshit. it wasn't funny. never. 

but thats the thing. they didnt necessarily laugh about the joke. well not everyone. the laughed about the teacher. their reaction and that someone really was dumb enough to say something like that and to upset them. that just seems to get the people nowadays to laugh.

Brendon was happy about that tho. if it wasnt this way he would actually have to think of real jokes. but his audience was happy with what he got for them. so this was his reputation. the class clown everyone liked.

mrs. Langford just shook her head. she wasn't up to arguments. not that day. "just sit down Brendon." she almost begged to be left alone. Brendon wasn't one to hurt anybody. so he obeyed and went further into the classroom. he looked around to see what possibilities there were for him to sit. there was a seat in the first row, in the 3rd and in the far back. the classroom was very big and had about 5 rows. he would've rather just left instead of being sat in the front row. he usually sat in the middle. the center of everything. everyone in earshot. he needed to know if people talked about him. 

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