honesty (VIII)

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TW: hangover/vomit

The party was great, at least that's what Brendon thought. it wasn't like he remembered much of anything that happened. although, he did remember talking to Josh. and he remembered, seeing Tyler wearing the skirt even tho it was only for a few seconds. 

the snacks were great, he could basically still taste them his mouth.

he could taste them too well even. Fuck. he had to puke and that really bad. 

last night brendon seemed to have puked a few times, at least that's a bit that he can remember. that burn in his throat and that ugly, goss pain that rose to his nose with the smell. 

he furrowed his eyebrows and held onto his belly. there was someone next to him, who he hoped was Tyler. he turned and patted Tyler's side frantically. 

Tyler groaned quietly. he was just as hungover. 

Brendon shook his shoulder. "god- bren let me sleep." he mumbled with a husky voice. if Brendon could, he would stand up himself, but he felt as if any movement would kill him. 

"what do you want- I don't even care, get it yourself." Tyler hissed quietly when Brendon kept touching and hitting him. 

finally, when Brendon spoke in a muffled, ill tone, Tyler opened his eyes.

"g-gotta- gotta throw- u-up-" Brendon stuttered out and Tyler turned to look at him. his eyes widened. "shit-" he said and stood up. 

he looked at Brendon "try to keep it in!" he pleaded and walked to the bathroom. he got the tiny trashcan he had in his bathroom, but when he came back, Brendon was already bent over, puking on the floor. Tyler waited and sighed. 

Brendon coughed the last bits out and sniffled before he went weak. he felt Tyler's presence and didn't dare to look at him. "Jeez..." Tyler put the trashcan down.

"sorry," Brendon whimpered out, but Tyler got tissues and a towel. "its not your fault," Tyler muttered. he pushed Brendon up, carefully and laid him back for now. his movements were cranky, but he helped Brendon.

sighing, Tyler bent down and cleaned up the mess. it wasn't all too bad. it would be better if Brendon didn't full force puke on tylers carpet, but at least it wasn't too gross. or maybe Tyler just lost every sensation in these kinds of things. 

Brendon had his eyes closed again, small pearls of sweat sat on his forehead. Tyler came back up and threw the tissues away. after thinking for a second, he threw the towel away as well.

the carpet needed to be cleaned professionally, and that meant his mom would have to take care of it. he bent down and pulled the carpet away. it wasn't too big. he walked out of the room with it the carpet grazing over the floor behind him. when he arrived at the top of the stairs, he rolled it up. he heard his parents downstairs

he walked down and they got louder and as he slowly got closer, he heard how loud they actually were.

Brendon wanted to call for Tyler as he left with the carpet. he had heard how he knocked something over from something under the bed, but Brendon's throat hurt from the acid. 

he sat up a little, feeling his head spin, and looked down. quickly, his breathing and heart stopped. 

the box that Tyler knocked over was filled with.... things, Brendon didn't expect Tyler to have.

Tyler went into the kitchen and looked at his worried parents. he just wanted to speak up, when his mother looked at him, "Tyler! where's your brother?" she asked. Tyler gulped and clutched onto the carpet under his arm. "he- he's at marks?" he questioned with a low voice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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