secrets (IV)

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early in the morning brendon was woken up by his alarm. a sound he always had hated but learned to live with. he groaned when he turned to turn it off. with that the whole room, house even was silent. his parents still weren't home and he had no idea where they could've been. but that was okay. he was used to it. 

after 5 more minutes he finally woke upon enough to move. first he lifted his torso then he swung his legs over the edge of his bed. it was high so his feet didnt touch the ground. he liked that. after a yawn he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. with a jump he got off his bed and dragged his bare feet over the floor. it was dark, still, and he wasnt planning on changing that. 

his feet carried him to the bathroom. it was his safe space. another yawn escaped his mouth when he prepared his toothbrush. while he was brushing his teeth his mind was running. he thought about how he actually texted Tyler. he would call that an improvement. tho he really was scared.

he knew he had no reason to. or did he? he didnt know. he couldn't know. nevertheless he was glad he didnt have to walk to school again. he really needed to get his license. 

when he peed and styled up his hair he went back to his room, naked. no one was gonna see it anyways. he opened the closet and looked for clothes knowing he had to hurry up now. there were not many clothes he could choose from but at the end he decided for a plain grey t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. quickly he got dressed and looked at his watch. 7:18. 

he had to hurry up. taking all his things he ran down and threw them on the floor. after a loud exhale he made his way downstairs into the basement to get his jacket hoping it was dry. luckily it was. he slipped it on and ran back upstairs and stepped into his shoes. 

one last time he looked around and decided he was ready. he took a deep breath and opened the door, seeing Tylers car.

tyler was 5 minutes too early. he liked being on time or earlier since he didnt want anyone to wait for him. especially not brendon, who he wanted to be friends with. 

the heat was turned up. he easily got cold and since he had to wait he was listening to some music in the radio. his morning was calm and so was he. his siblings didnt annoy him and his parents had the day off so they were in a good mood. his morning was good. 

when he looked at Brendons front door he saw how a black silhouette opened the door, peaked out and awkwardly looked at the car, a soft smile appeared on Tylers lips. he didnt understand why but it happened. 

who he assumed could only be brendon, walked to the car quickly. it was then that Tyler unlocked it and let him in. he always had a habit of locking his car doors when he's driving.

brendon sat inside with a huff and closed the door. Tyler smiled and could smell the raven haired boys cologne. "good morning." Tyler greeted. brendon buckled up and turned his head to look at the shorter. "morning" he croaked out. his voice gave away he didnt sleep too well, or long enough. 

silence surrounded them when Tyler started to drive. the only noise was the faint sound of the radio he had turned down when brendon came. and the car engine of course. Tyler hated the silence. he always has. so he was determined to break it. "how are you doing?" he asked with a soft tone, eyes glued to the road. brendon bit his lip, Tyler could see from the corner of his eye. he took long to respond. Tyler would love to know what was going through his mind.

"doing good." the answer was short and not very convincing. Tyler glanced at brendon to see him rubbing his forehead. "a-and you?" he asked. Tylers attention went back to the road. "Im doing well. Im not in the mood for geography tho." he answered biting his lip. 

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