New Feelings (VI)

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TW: - masturbation

Almost a week passed after Tyler's confession. Brendon never made a big deal of it and tyler was thankful. The last thing he wanted was him acting weird about it.

In the past week tyler and brendon grew closer. They spent every day at tylers home for dinner and no parents were complaining. Brendon wasn't either, he liked tylers company. The same came from Tyler.

They considered themselves pretty good, if not even best friends.

Today they spent their lunch together. It was nice, they felt good. Even tho they could clearly feel eyes on them. They felt the whispers against their skin.

It was uncomfortable, yes, but they wouldn't let that get between them. Besides, what could they be talking about anyways, tyler thought.

After some time they spent in silence, Tyler looked at brendon, whispering. "Do you feel it too?" he asked and brendons eyes met his. "The gossip?" he asked for confirmation and tyler nodded. "Yeah, I do." he answered easily and tyler bit his lip. "you don't mind?" he asked again.

"No. Do you?" brendon leaned back in his chair just a little.

Tyler thought and nodded, hesitantly. "kinda." he replied and brendon nodded lifting his head more, eyes wandering around.

As soon as his eyes met anyone else's, they looked away. Brendon was used to it, but he hated people staring at him, especially if Tyler was bothered as well.

It got quiet around them. Brendon sighed. "do you want to go somewhere else?" he asked Tyler carefully and he nodded. They stood up and left the cafeteria.

Tyler could only imagine the gossiping the others were doing, now that they've left. But it didn't matter, anything was better than their curious eyes on them.

"where are we going?" he asked brendon, who shrugged.

"usually I'd be in the bathroom till class was over." he admitted.

One thing tyler noticed, was how open brendon got. Atleast to tyler. He talked about his feelings more, as if he trusted Tyler fully. Perhaps he really did. It made Tyler feel warm.

"okay," Tyler started and thought, "how about we just stay here?" he offered, pointing at the stairs they were about to pass by. The hallway section they were in was pretty much always empty. The stairs, he pointed at, lead to a few storage rooms. No one but janitors and some teachers used them.

Brendon nodded. "Sure." he replied and sat down on a step. Tyler sat beside him. The stairs weren't wide so they'd sit very close. None of them minded.

"I'm sorry." said brendon. Tyler furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side. "what for?" he questioned confused.

Brendon hummed leaning against the banisters. "what just happened. You shouldn't have to be uncomfortable when you're with me." he answered and tyler bit his lip.

"no, no." he said, quickly shaking his head. "I'm not uncomfortable with you. I don't care about them."

Brendon locked eyes with Tyler. "are you sure?" he asked and tyler nodded. "of course. As if I'm gonna let them keep me away from you." he said, smiling, "you wish, but you won't get rid of me that easily." he added giggling and brendon shook his head, letting out a small chuckle. "that's the last thing I'd wish for."

Tyler blushed and looked up at a teacher, who seemingly wanted to pass them. "excuse me please." she said and tylers only option to make space quickly, was to slip in Brendons lap. She watched not bothered as she passed.

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