embarrassed (III)

48 2 0

TW: smut/masturbation (graphic)


when Brendon finally got home his heart felt free. the pressure from his chest was still there but it definitely reduced. he closed the entrance door behind him and looked at the coat hanger. it was empty. he looked around on the floor. no shoes. he assumed he was alone again. that wasn't unusual at all. his parents were almost never home. 

he let out a loud sigh as he kicked off his shoes and set them aside the door. his jacket was dripping wet and so was his hair. it was oh so cold when he went to the basement to hang up his jacket so it could dry off. he looked down to see his shirt was just as wet and sticking to his upper body. he bit his lip. another sigh escaped his lips when he made his way back up the basement stairs and then up to his room. it was dark since he hasn't opened the blinds in the morning. or ever. Brendon liked the dark even tho it also frightened him.

quickly he went to his closet, opened it and grabbed an over-sized t-shirt and some sweatpants. as he walked into the bathroom a trail of water that dripped from his hair followed him. he opened the bathroom door and turned on the lights. this was probably the first time that day were his mind wasn't running. he wasnt thinking about anything and that was good. he needed a break.

after he folded his new clothes and sat them on top of the heater he finally got to peel the wet clothes of his skin. goosebumps were spread all over his chest. he threw the clothes into the laundry and stepped inside the shower after turning it on. his whole body relaxed under the stream of hot water. 

he closed his eyes and let out a soft moan. he needed this.

after a 5 minutes long car ride Tyler arrived home. he turned off the car and quickly ran inside. when he closed the door behind him the smell of dinner hit him. this didnt feel like home to him. at all. but the smell of his favorite dinner, and the voices of his parents and siblings made it feel close. 

he kicked off his shoes and took off his sweater. it was warm in the house. "hey, guys" he greeted his family when he stepped inside the kitchen. looking around he saw there were still some boxes laying around but they unpacked almost everything.

Tyler twitched together but ended up smiling when he heard a high pitched voice yell. "Tylers home!" it was jay his youngest brother. he ran towards him and hugged his waist. jay loved Tyler.

tyler rubbed his back. "hey jay" the rhyme made the little boy giggle. after a good few seconds their mom called them over to the table and both sat down. Tyler was sat next to jay. his other little siblings zack and Maddie sat across from him. Tyler loved his siblings. well most of the time. he had some problems with zack but siblings are like that, he thought. and he hoped he could teach them some important things when they grew. 

his parents were pretty stubborn. they were strictly religious and thats how they raised their kids. all they wanted was that perfect family. with well-behaved, diligent, straight and god fearing kids. manly sporty boys and a perfect little princess. and they think thats what they got. 

dinner always went the same way. they sat together, prayed and then ate while talking about their day. the perfect little family everyone would call it. except Tyler, he hated it. he was forced into those standards and every attempt to break them was cancelled by his parents. he tried to deny everything. he was good for his parents he was what they expected, he told himself all the time.

"so sweetheart how was your first day?" his mom looked at him expectantly while she pushed a spoon full of food into her mouth. "good." he answered blandly. his mom seemingly wasnt satisfied with that answer. "did you make any friends yet?" his dad asked further. he always wanted Tyler to have friends. even tho he claimed it was because he wanted Tyler to be happy, it was obvious he just didnt want a loser as a son. 

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