Sober Up (VII)

23 1 1

TW alcohol


Even tho brendon was going to a party which truly terrified him, today was a good day.

It was never easy to have interactions outside of school. What if people found him too interesting? What if they were going to ask personal questions?

These were concerns he hadnt heard anyone else mouth, but he was sure he wasnt the only one. God he hoped he wasn't.

Either way, he knew it would be fine. He hoped. Because tyler would be there. And he knew, tyler would be getting out of himself as well.

When tyler brought him back to his house, brendon assured him again. "you'll like it" he said and tyler only gave him a nod.

At that thought, brendon left his room. His feet slowly carried him to his parents bedroom.

The door creaked, when he opened it. Brendon scrunched his nose, hoping no one heard.

Seemingly, no one did. He walked in and moved to their huge closet.

Slowly, he opened the closet doors and looked through the material.

His mother had many clothes. Blouses, dresses and there they were.

A big collection of skirts.

He remembered. A dark color.

His bottom lip got caught betweem his teeth and he picked out what he thought, tyler could like.

"... Brendon?" A voice coming from the door frame spoke.

Brendon froze. He closed the closet door, holding all the skirts and looked towards his father.

Oh god.

His father examined the situation and cleared his throat awkwardly. "what- what are you doing there?" he asked.

Brendon looked down at the fabric in his hands. "uh.." he swallowed thickly. "Im taking them for my friend." he finally got out and looked at his dad.

Both their faces were red.

"brendon.." he spoke, "you know, you can tell us anything..?" it sounded more like a question.

Brendon knew this was uncomfortable for his dad. Well whatever he thought was happening. His parents always told him, he could tell them anything. And he could, that was true. But he knew they didnt like it.

Atleast they didnt admit that.

It was the same, when he came out as gay. One day, 2 years ago, he just decided to tell them. They lied into his face, saying it was fine. But it wasnt and brendon knew.

But brendon wasnt in a place to care.

"I-I know dad." he muttered.

"if you feel like... If you- if you feel like a gi-"

Brendon shook his head "no, Im not a girl. I said I need these for a friend."

His father bit his lip sighing and nodded. "fine." he looked at him a last time before turning on his heel and walking back downstairs.

Brendon sighed. He took the skirts to his room and picked out the one, he thought would fit most.

It would be fine.

Tyler understood what brendon was doing. He got why he was pushing him. And he was thankful, but at the same time, terrified.

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