The Beautiful Nutcracker Doll

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On a cold and snowy winter night, a man approached a home where three children and their parents lived. Their parents were named Anna, the mother, and Toni, their father, who was now their other mother. They had three children, one girl and two boys. Their youngest was a pair of twins named Tony Jr. and Winnie, who were both 8 years old, and their oldest son, Michael who was 17. The man soon approached the door and rang the doorbell. Anna walked to the door and saw the man and gasped in delight.

"Hello Anna!" He said cheerfully. "Merry Christmas my dear!" He said.

"Uncle Reyes!" She smiled hugging her uncle letting him inside as they twins ran to him excited.

"Uncle Reyes! Uncle Reyes!" They said in unison hugging him.

"My how you two have grown! Last I saw of you two you were so tiny!" He said to them. Anna laughed as they hugged him.

"Did you bring us presents?!" They asked.

"Kids! Uncle Reyes doesn't need to bring gifts every time to visit." She said to them

"It's alright Anna, besides it's Christmas eve, and what's Christmas without a present or two!" He laughed. "But first, wheres your hus- sorry, wife. I haven't seen Toni since they changed." A woman walked into the room. "Oh Toni you look marvelous!" She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "How do you feel?"

"Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder since." She said. "Thank you John." She said.

"Now there's one more person I need to see before giving gifts! Where's my godson Michael?" He asked. The a young male wearing glass came in smiling.

"Godfather Reyes!" He said hugging him.

"Michael my boy you've grown so much!" He said hugging him. The twins pulled on his jacket.

"Presents...?" They asked sweetly. He laughed sitting down. He pulled out two gifts and gave it to the twins. They opened the gifts excited. Tony's gift was a small set of new brass solider toys. Winnie's gift was a new doll with blonde hair and a red ribbon. "Thank you Uncle Reyes!" they took their toys to the tree where a majority of their toys was.

"Look Captain Jeremy! New soldiers!" He said showing the Silver looking soldier the new brass soldiers.

"Move over Rich!" Winnie said pushing the small plush toy off it's tiny chair. "Heather needs to sit and have tea with the other girls!" She said to the toy, before putting him next to the marionette toy. "Sit with Brooke." She said putting him on the marionette's lap. The adults laughed before he pulled out one more present for Michael.

"For you my godchild" He smiled giving him the box Michael smiled and opened it gasping. It was a beautiful nutcracker doll.

"Oh Godfather! It's just like the one's from the stories you told me when I was a child!" Michael said hugging him.

"Jake. His name is Jake" He smiled to Michael. Michael looked at the doll and for some reason... he thought he saw him smile. "Go play with your siblings, my child while I talk with your parents." He smiled. Michael nodded his head and went to where his siblings were playing, they both saw his nutcracker doll and gasp.

"Pretty!" They said grabbing it from his hands.

"He should be in my army!" Tony said before Winnie began to pull on the other arm of the doll.

"No! He should join my tea party!" Winnie said the two fought and Michael got scared they were pulling too hard!

"Tony! Winnie! N-not too hard you might-!" He said before seeing his siblings rip the arm of his nutcracker off. The parents came in seeing what they had done.

"Tony! Winnie! Did you ask Michael to play with his new toy." Anna said sternly. They sadly shook their heads no. "Say your sorry to Michael right now and go straight to bed." she said to them.

"Sorry Mikey..." They said giving him the nutcracker and his broken off arm. He sighed and held his broken toy close. They went to their room leaving their toys out. Michael sat on the couch, as his parents went to their room for the night. His godfather gave him something to help fix his arm. He put it on Jake and then got a tiny cloth and made a sling for his arm.

"Don't worry Michael, that doll is very special, he will get better. Get some sleep child, the witching out is upon us, and the magic of Christmas is near." He said kissing his forehead.

Michael nodded as he left smiling to Michael seeing him laying on the couch nutcracker in hand unaware of the magic of Christmas eve into Christmas, and the dangers that were about to unfold...

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! So as a nice Christmas gift I have a brand new story for you all! :) I have lots of plans for this story and the Characters in it and I'm hoping to finish it by next Christmas 😅 but I do hope to get another chapter out tonight or tomorrow! I hope you enjoy this chapter and if I don't post a chapter before then, Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it :3

Word count: 886

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