Reality Dreams

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Michael gasped as he woke up looking around...he was back where he was last night...the toys were in the same places and he was still holding a nutcracker doll...was it just a dream? He rubbed his eyes gently looking down at his nutcracker...he didn't look like Jake did but sort of.... he yawned again gently as he heard someone in the kitchen. He turned his head seeing his Godfather walking out with two mugs of what he assumed was coffee as he smiled giving him one.

"Thank you..."

" was it?" He smiled. Michael looked to him confused tilting his head.

"How...was what?"

"You know what I mean, Micha." He smiled. Michael smiled softly as he hugged his godfather softly.

"It was just...amazing...I've never had a dream like that before." He smiled as he nodded hearing more smaller footsteps as he saw his little siblings run over hugging Michael bouncing excited.

"It's Christmas it's Christmas!!!" Winnie said excited as she saw all the presents under the tree for the three of them. Michael chuckled softly as he heard his moms come from their room smiling happily.

"Merry Christmas kids!" Toni said happily holding her wife's hand as Anna nodded happily.

"Can we open presents mommy?!" Tony asked excited as they all laughed nodding. The siblings wasted no time as they plowed through the gifts under the tree for them, the mothers sat on another couch watching happily as their kids opened gifts excited.

"Oh Michael! That's so beautiful when did you get it?" Anna asked Michael as he looked to his finger. There on his finger was a beautiful gold ring with a beautiful gemstone that if he had to guess was an Opal in the center.

"O-oh! Someone...very close to me gave it to me." He blushed gently as they smiled. Michael looked to his godfather as he smiled to him happily.

"Kids...we have a very important announcement to make." Anna said holding Toni's hand happily.

"What is it mommy?"

"Well...we've been taking week...we're adopting another baby! A little girl named Elinor!" She smiled as the kids gasped running over and hugging them happily as Reyes clapped happily.

"Oh congratulations! May your new baby girl be happy and healthy." He smiled as he went to get his coat. "But sadly it's time I must depart, but thank you for letting me stay the night and spend Christmas with you." He smiled as they all gave him hugs.

"We'll miss you!" Anna said as Michael gave him a hug.

"Protect that ring Mikey, something tells me that's something you don't want to lose. And if you ever want to talk, you know my number." He smiled as Michael nodded his head holding onto the ring as he left the house. Michael smiled to his family as they went back to the living room he smiled seeing his nutcracker doll standing watch over the toys...just like Jake.


In a kingdom not far from the Land of Sweets, there was a kingdom shrouded in shadows and hidden from their world...a Hidden kingdom. That's the kingdom JDs minions fled to as they went to a dark and shadowy castle to someone in a Thorne room.

"Master...JD he..." Kurt started to say as the man on the throne interrupted him.

"Failed. I know." He hissed at them making them all shiver. "He was a traitor anyhow. Trying to use Michael to bring his wife back. He didn't listen to my orders. I told him to bring Michael and the objects to me. But instead, he tried to sacrifice Michael for personal gain." He hissed as they nodded.

"S-so anyways how's things going here? It must have been hard with only two minions working with you for so long..." Dustin asked nervously as he smirked at him.

"Quite well. Seems I should have sent them to do your job instead...but despite them fairing better here, it's not all well. I still don't have him thanks to his knights." He hissed. "But no matter. Soon his defense will fall and I will take full control of the Hidden Kingdom, and then The Land of Sweets...I just need to get Michael back here first."

"Right! We'll go right away!" Ram said as he shot a glare at him.

"You bone-head. You can't. My powers aren't strong enough yet to send you back there yet. We will have to wait a little while...perhaps a few months...then I will send my top two to fetch Michael from the real world while you five distract the trio of Sweets." He said as they nodded.

"Whatever you say King Dolion!" Chloe said as they all nodded behind her. He grinned evilly as he laughed, his plan had a minion bump in the road...but it won't matter in the end...Michael will be back where he belongs...and no one will survive his attack. And if they think they can try...their futures won't last long after that....

TO BE CONTINUED IN: The Nutcracker 2: The Lost Toys!

Wow! Can you believe it! Last year I released this book on Christmas Eve and now I'm finishing it on Christmas Eve! Now this boom had a lot of work done for it including an entire re-imagining to expand on another story! Now originally it was going to just be one book, Jake defeats JD, Michael goes home thinking it was a dream, meets real world Jake they live happily ever after yippee yay, but when I was writing this a brand new idea came to me about how this could be better if there was more in the world to explore more characters to add but in the end I finally figured out what I wanted and changed the ending to make a Book 2!

Now the big question is, When will the new boom be released...

Well let's just say you won't have to wait long ;)

I can't guarantee it will be tonight or even tomorrow but I will try my gosh darn best to get the first chapter out by tomorrow! Wether it's just a recap of this book or an actual chapter is up to what I can write!

Now I wanna hear from you guys! Did you like the book, was there anything you wish was in the book that I didn't add you might wanna see for the Sequel? And I guess just overall did you like it!

I love hearing back and responding to comments because I just want to improve and I can only improve when I know what to work on :)

But anyways, Thank you so much for Reading this and until next time, Merry Christmas Eve :)

1144 Words


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