The Night of the Toys

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As the clock struck twelve the magic of Christmas night came to life in the house, as a spark of light spread through all the toys around, bringing them to life! The toys all around stretched their little arms and walked around quickly talking with one another, as the magic hit the last toy, the Nutcracker in Michael's arms. He moved around slightly, before jumping out of the sleeping Michael's arms. He smiled softly to him and left after hearing a toy crying for some help. From a dark corner of the house, five beings appeared with a few minions of their own looking around before seeing the sleeping Michael.

"Is that him...?"

"No, it the other sleeping teenager in this house, YES IT'S HIM KURT." A female shadow figure said annoyed.

"Jeez sorry Chloe..." He said to her.

"Shut up you two. Our mission for our king is simple, get him back to the castle, and with five of us, that should be doable, Right." The leading male shadow figure said. They nodded their heads. "Madeline, do you have the dust?"

"No, I gave it to Kurt."

"And I gave it to Chloe"

"And I gave it to Ram."

"And I gave it to you Dustin..." The other male shadow said to him. He grabbed him by the collar and glared at him.

"NO. You didn't." Dustin growled. He felt it in his pocket.

"Oh yeah... I have it." He said. Dustin rolled his eyes and pushed him into Kurt. "Stay in the back you two, don't mess this up or the king will kill us." He said. They nodded their head leaving the shadows going towards the sleeping boy, before a sword appeared in the way.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Kropp." He said revealing himself to them. Dustin smirked.

"Well Well well, if it isn't balsa wood for brains. What are you doing here." He said.

"I am doing my job and protecting innocents from your so called king that took my throne." He said to them. They laughed.

"That's pathetic." He said noticing his injury. "You better get out of here before you hurt yourself more prince of pine." Dustin laughed. Jake looked to his injured arm, it was going to prevent him from fighting to the best of his ability, but if he wanted Michael, then he would risk everything for him.

"I will not let you harm him." Jake said to them. They glared and smiled to him.

"Then I guess our king will have a groom, and a nutcracker head!" They launched at him, a losing match for the nutcracker, but he will do anything to protect others. They were starting to win, until someone hit some of them off, seeing a Tin solider holding a tiny rifle with a sword on his belt.

"Who the heck are you?!"

"Captain Heere. And It's is my responsibility to protect the Mell children from dangers, and that includes Michael. Soldiers, Attack!" He said as the new brass soldiers started to fight the intruders. They fought the soldiers and the nutcracker, as Madeline and Chloe slipped away walking towards Michael, before Chloe felt something wrap around her leg and pulling her away, the marionette glared at her.

"I don't think so Missy." She said. Chloe growled and the two started fight. Madeline rolled her eyes before feeling someone tackle her, a small plump rag doll.

"You won't hurt Michael!" He said fighting her. Everyone was fighting the intruders, none noticing Michael starting to wake up. He looked confused, what was going on? Was this a dream? Dream or not whatever was happening, they were hurting his nutcracker!

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Michael said pushing some minions that came with the intruders away from his nutcracker. Dustin glared to Kurt and Ram.

"YOU DOLTS THE DUST USE IT NOW!" He yelled they nodded their heads and threw the dust they had at Michael. He coughed before feeling very very strange. Like he was...shrinking?! He felt everything get bigger and bigger, or well he was getting smaller and smaller. He fell and got caught in the tinsel of the tree, terrified and scared of this nightmare it seemed!

The Nutcracker (A Pins and Patches story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon