The Grove of the Sugar Plum Fairies

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Michael was in awe of the beauty of the world Jake was from. It was like a dream but real! He walked around the beautiful almost plush like land in awe. Jake smiled to him and laughed.

"I guess you like it?"

"Like it? It's beautiful!!!" Michael said looking around. The others looked around slightly smiling, but they could see just how excited Michael was and that look in Jakes eyes. He smiled to Michael as they all walked around.

"So where are we going anyways?" Rich asked Jake.

"We have to go to my castle, and take it back from that viper who stole it from me."

"Viper? Wait snake?" Jeremy asked.

"Sort see those people who attacked, they are known as hybrids. Toys mixed with animals. The one who took my throne and cursed me, he's powerful, he has magic, and he's a rat." He said.

"A rat?" Brooke said

"That's what he really is, a rat king. But he has the ability to turn into other animals as long as they are in his court. He can be many things and with magic, it makes him near impossible to touch." Jake said to them.

"But...what did he want with Michael?" Rich asked worried. Jake sighed.

"I wish I knew...if could be so he has someone to rule with."

"But why me?!"

"I wish I knew..." Jake said guiding them.

"Where are we going right now anyways?" Brooke asked.

"That rats minions must be going to tell him I'm alive and after him, so he would be expecting me to go though the main lands, so we have to take ways they wouldn't go the path through the Sugar Plum Fairies grove.

"Fairies?!" Rich, Brooke, and Michael said in awe. Jake smiled and laughed.

"Yes fairies, and their home is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen..." Jake said going near a leafy entrance. "I present to you, the fairies grove!" He said opening it, only to be met with horrified gasps. He turned and saw what he could only describe as an attack.

The once beautiful home of the sweet fairies was now completely gone, it was destroyed, everything was broken, or even burnt down, it was horrible. Jake ran in with the others looking around for any of the fairies. "Hello?! Please is anyone here?!"

"...Jake?" A meek voice said. He turned to a small broken home and ran over to it seeing two fairies hiding and shaking.

"Zoe! Alana!" He said. They flew out and hugged him worried.

"Jake! We thought you were gone for good!" They said.

"No...that rat lied...what happen..."

"It was the Rat King." Another Voice said from behind the others. They jumped from the sudden new voice. She flew over to Jake, she looked more formal than the two fairies.

"Your majesty..." Jake said in disbelief looking at her. He Jeremy, Brooke and Michael looked around.

"Richard? Where are you?" Jeremy said before hearing a shakiness of the tree branch above, seeing Rich holding onto it. He let go being caught in his arms.

"I found Richard." Jeremy smiled, causing Rich to blush in his arms. Michael looked at the fairies, as did Brooke and Jake.

 Michael looked at the fairies, as did Brooke and Jake

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