Hello Mr. Ipkiss

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(looked it up thats how its spelled.)

Your Y/n L/n, you just got let go from the nearby asylum deemed sane last month. You already got a job too! An accountant. Absurdly lame? fuck yes. Gets bill's paid? Yes. The only reason you got the job was because they really needed more staff. They were desperate. You could see why like no one worked their, so damn boring. Its irritating. You got dressed and grinned. You where going for a victorian era theme today.

You loved to dress weird. You put your phone in your purse and headphones and make your way to work. Once you got in you sat in your seat and put on your headphones. A certain strange tie wearing co-worker made his way over and you removed your headphones. "Hello Mr. Ipkiss!" You smiled widely. "Hello Y/n, so I've been made aware of something. You where recently released from the asylum?" You nodded, "Last month, why?" "What- uh- what did you have?" Why- uh- why are you all up in my face? You thought mimicking  Ipkiss. "Why do you wanna know? Scared I'm still gonna be hurting people? Scared I'll hurt 'ya?" You grin widely. "Reporting live, girl in Victorian style dress gags co-worker with tie for 'asking too many questions'!!" You start doing your crazy laugh but stop when you see your boss. You wipe your tears from your laughter and look at him. "Y/n, do I need to have you sent back into the psychiatric hospital?" You quickly shake your head no and sit up. Ipkiss looks concerned. Should be.
After work you make your way to the bus stop. It's late. You take a breath and fidget with your hands. You see, its awkard being around people you have almost killed. Which you where stopped, luckily, and given the help you needed. Though you where pissed at the man in the green mask who turned you in you couldn't help but be thankful he did and you didn't kill anyone. You have killed before. You actually killed your family. You where 10. They where asleep. You stabbed your parent and strangled your brother. The guilt you felt, you called the police and turned yourself in. You cried so much the past few days. In court you plead insanity though, and won. You felt horrible but weren't in control of your actions..

Lost in thought you missed the bus and snapped back into reality. You look up only to see right infront of you that son of a bitch. "So you are alive! Missed your bus Y/n! Aren't you supposed to be in the asylum?" You groaned and rolled your eyes. "Released last month." You start heading off. Fuck it, your walking home before you snap and get in trouble. It's a 30 minute walk, not too bad. You where about to take another step when- "Oh shit!" You where sweeped off your feet. "Where ya goin' pal?" You slap the Mask remembering your wearing a dress and only wearing a corset and panties under it. He takes one hand off you to sooth his jaw, "You hit hard! What was that for?" You glare at him as be puts you down. "I'm wearing a dress, I don't need strangers able to look up if doofus!" You yell at him for a whole 10 minutes not realizing he left five minutes ago then head back home. It starts pouring. You didn't bring a coat. suddenly a car pulls up next to you. Ipkiss. You frown and walk off while he follows you in the car, "Need a lift?"

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