I fucked up

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"Aurora Borealis. At this time of year, this time of day, and this part of country? I'm tired of your shit, Y/n." Your boss looked at you as if you were crazy. The Mask had ditched you because of the awkward situation. And you were becoming irritated by the look of irritation on his face and began to twitch. "Get the fuck out. Now. Your fired." Your eyes widened and you got up. You needed this job. He couldn't fire you, how would you pay your bills? Your vision blurred and hands formed a fist, you were shaking and twitching. This was only my third incident with working here, it's not fair. Your vision went black as you grabbed something sharp. All you could think was 'How dare he! That bitch!' You didn't realize what was going on.

When you could see again you were in your old cell. Restrained by a straitjacket. You took a deep breath and screamed as loud as you could to get someones attention and a nurse and a few gaurds came bursting in. "Why the fuck am I back here!? What did I do!?" You yelled at them, the nurse looked at you worried, "Miss, do you really not know what happened?" You shook your head. "You killed your boss and tried to choke Stanley Ipkiss when he held you back." You went cold.

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