I Fucked Up

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"Aurora Borealis. At this time of year, this time of day, and this part of the country? Y/n, I'm sorry, but no. You have been extremely unprofessional today. this is not acceptble." Your boss looked at you more angry than before. You looked to your side for help but green head was gone. With his negativity and your stress it was getting hard not to just snap and react in a manner that wouldn't be favorable. Suddenly your boss spoke, "Get the fuck out. Now. Your fired." Your eyes widened and you stood up, your left eye twitching. You needed this job. He couldn't just fire you after just one incident, how would you pay your bills? Your vision began to blur as your hands formed a fist, you were shaking and twitching wildly. This was only your first incident while working here, it's not fair. Your vision had went black as you grabbed something sharp. All you could think of was how angry you were, you didn't realize what was going on, what you had done.

When you could see again you were in your old cell back at the asylum, you even had on a straight jacket. You took a deep breath and screamed as loud as you could, trying to get someones attention. Luckily some guards and nurses arrived, the door slamming open with alarmed faces. "Why am I back here? What did I do? I did nothing wrong, let me go." The nurses waited for your temper tantrum to end, and once it did one of the nurses spoke with a cold tone in her voice., "Miss, do you really not know what happened?" You shook your head no, both curious and afraid. "You stabbed your boss with a pen and tried to choke Stanley Ipkiss when he held you back after you tried to stab your boss again." Your heart stopped for a second, this felt like a nightmare. It didn't seem real at all. You were supposed to have gotten better.

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