Hey crackhead

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The mask dropped you and said, "Ew cooties!" He had a disgusted look on his face. You grabbed his hand and pulled him down ontop of you and yelled, "If I'm going down, your coming down with me!" Both bursted into laughter and hugged onto eatchother. He grabbed red lipstick seemingly out of nowhere and put it on and puckered up for a kiss, and you gave him one, on the cheek. "What? No lipkiss for Ipkiss?" The Mask asked, pouting. You kissed him quick and when you pulled away, you saw your boss. Shit. "Heyyy boss..." you said nervously. I'm in so much trouble. You and the mask stood up quick and smiled awkwardly. You boss was staring, flabbergasted. "W-what the- why? How- I... okay. What the fuck is going on?" You twitched and chuckled a little nervously. "Aurora Borealis?"

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