Chapter 4💗

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Here I am,wearing a black jean,White crop top and my bunny slipper. I just wanted to look simple..
Today is the day I will depart for Nigeria, Dad says it's gonna be just for a month. I also heard him tell Daniel that we're going to spend 3 weeks at a luxury reserve then spend the last week with mum's family before returning.

"C'mon,Stella, don't be nervous. The Vacation is going to be the best and it's going to be perfect", I hear Samantha say.

She escorted me to the airport but she seems to be paying more attention to Daniel.I just hope she doesn't have a crush on him. My best friend dating my brother sounds really weird.

"Or are you nervous because you are going to spend your birthday over there?" , she asks.

"I'm okay, Samantha". I say casually, "and where I spend my birthday doesn't really matter. It's not like I do celebrate it".

The past week went very well...I bumped into Scott everywhere I went and I remember whisper just two words to him " fuck you",every single time I say him except he was out of my reach. Surprisingly he never said a thing.
I was starting to think he was stalking me.

I also just realised I had to spend my birthday in Nigeria yesterday.I don't like holding parties to mark my birthday unlike Samantha who is a party freak but it's the first birthday I'm going to spend away from home and I'm a bit nervous.

"And just ignore what Scott told me..They are definitely alot of cute boys in Nigeria but don't get laid by any of them..I repeat,Do not get laid by any of them"

They way Samantha made this statement was just to funny, especially when she said "Do not get laid by any of them"

I'm actually still a Virgin despite several attempts from Scott,now my ex boyfriend and I definitely don't look forward to being laid during my vacation.I even plan of waiting till 20 or maybe till when I get married before I think of sex.

"Samantha, you sooo funny,I can't get laid. I don't even knw anyone there and am not going there to look for boys..I'm going to have fun with my family", I reply smiling

"Well,I'm just saying", she replies.
" They might just be irresistible ",she chirps in again.

"Stella, Daniel, it's time to leave", my Dad says

Samantha hugs me and Daniel after saying goodbye.She didn't forget to tell me bring souvenirs when am returning though.

Immediately we board the plane,I plugged in my iPod start reading some of the books I brought along. I decided to read  Lord of the Flies.. It sounds interesting.
I didn't pay attention to the conversation between Dad and Daniel..I didn't realise when I fell asleep.

****I see myself in a metal cage along with some other people. I see some men on strange clothings outside the cage..I can't really see well but looks like they are wearing leaves of something close to that,they are also crying spears and have weird markings on their face.****
****One of them opens the cage and grabs my arm,he trys to remove my clothes but I'm to weak to struggle,then I hear my name from a distant place****

Stella,Stella,Stella..I open my eyes,it's just my Dad

"What's wrong Cupcake, are you okay", he asked

"Yes Dad,am's just a dream", I reply.

"Good,that's enough sleep, we are almost there", he says.

"Where's Daniel?" , I asks
"And for how long did I sleep?" , I ask again.

"Daniel went to the restroom and you slept for almost 8 hours. Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yes Dad,am perfectly fine. Don't worry about me", I say softly.

"Okay Cupcake", he says patting my head.

Being the last Child.Dad and Mum always pampered me. I didn't like the name cupcake at first when he started calling me that but when he refused to stop, I left him and got used to it and I actually like it now.

After a while Daniel returns with a cup of coffee and gives it too me.
Why is he being this nice? I ask myself as I sip my coffee

Soon after we land in Nigeria, our destination.

I hope I'll get to love this place.

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