Chapter 9💗

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This is my 2nd week in Nigeria now..I spend most of my time hanging around with Femi and his friends.He thought me how to swim and also introduced me to some very delicious Nigerian delicacies .I still hadn't started talking to my Dad yet..He has pleaded but I have made my mind up not to talk to him till we get back home..I'm still disappointed.
Mr John,our guide came around on so many occasions to take us around the city as he had said earlier but I preferred spending time with Femi although I went with them went he was to take us to the National Museum.
Samantha, Chase and I spoke to each other over the phone sometimes when I wasn't going anywhere.
So far this vacation was the best, I'm glad I accepted to come here.

Today is my birthday,my 17th birthday.I spent most of it with Daniel..Its a family vacation and Daniel and I are still in good terms. A traditional display was going to take place at the event centre tonight. Since Femi was going to be there. I decided to go with him..I wore a Nigerian native dress I bought last week at a market.

"You look beautiful" Femi says I opened the door as soon as he knocked.

"Thanks and you too" I say softly.

"May we go,My Lady" he says bowing.

"Off course" I reply and walk majestically to my ride.

The event center is a very large place with spotlights, Fire stands and I noticed a guillotine at the center..

"Is anyone going to be decapitated today?" I ask Femi as we look for a sit.

He laughs softly "you know that's not possible" he says.
"Maybe it's part of the show" he adds.

After a while,a young man in shorts comes out and addresses us for a while, I didn't listen to what he was saying. I was busy texting my cousin, Ayomide.
We had gotten really close in the past few weeks..So as Daniel and Ayoola,Ayomide's elder sis.

Then the spotlights are put off and the fire lamps are lit .Now I'm getting scared.
Then I see them,the strange people I see in my dreams , the same attire, the same markings on their fore head..My dream might be about to come true and that's not good.

"Femi, Can we get out of here" I whisper.

"Why?the show is just starting" he says.

"Can we just go please?" I reply softly.

"Okay" he says and stands..

"You can't leave" a security man says as we approach the gate.

"Why not?" Femi asks.
"We are not interested in being here" he adds.

"I'm sorry sir,we have been ordered not to allow anyone to leave the premises so please go back to your sits" the security man says.

We both go back to our sits as we weren't allowed to leave. I'm not comfortable staying here .What if the dreams come to reality .As I decide to tell Femi about it. Then I hear people scream.

I look down and my eye catches a distant red material,"BLOOD"..I look a little further and see a head.
A Human head, blood sqiurting everywhere.

We are locked a large hall perphaps waiting for our turn to be sacrificed.I'm very scared..Why does this have to happen .Who are these people,What do they want,why did they chop off that guys head..

"Are you okay" Femi asks cutting me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm good" I reply slowly.

"I don't think so" , he says and sits beside me. You look really scared and I just want to let you know that it's gonna be alright ,he says holding my hand"..

"I hope so" I reply.

I have looked around the hall,I can't find Daniel and Dad..I pray they are okay.
Then some of the people entered the hall ..They are about 5,all holding spears except the one in d middle who appears to be the eldest.They are all shirtless with weird markings on their chest and legs..

"Isn't that the hotel manager" I hear people whisper.
"We're all going to die" I hear some other people say..

"SILENCE!!!!!" the eldest among the strange men shouts.

"I am Muturu,Chief Priest to the Sun goddess" he shouts and remains silent for a while..
"During the month of August once in 50 years, human sacrifices are made to our goddess to quench her thirst" he says.
"There is no use trying to leave her for you cannot escape so you just have to stay and pray to whoever you worship not to be among the sacrifices" he adds and leaves..

Just as he leaves, some of the people that came with him grabbed 3 people and led them out perhaps to be sacrificed..

The last person to be grabbed looked very familiar.That's Daniel..

"No,No,No" I scream as I run towards them..

"Stella" Femi shouts as he catches up with me..
"Nothing is going to happen to you brother" I promise.
"We'll save him" he adds.

I just remain speechless, Daniel can't die now,he mustn't die...
" Oh Lord, please save my brother" I whisper.


How's the book going guys and I'm so sorry for the late update..

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