Chapter 10

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  A few nights had passed and the sun had finally set over the castles walls. Night was aproaching fast and It wasn't long until the full moon had filled the dark sky and lit up the school grounds in a peaceful manner. However, a handful of people knew that the moon's beautiful glow held a dark and dangerous meaning .

Atlas wrung her hands together as she paced in her living quarters. The idea was absolutely reckless. There was no need for her to intrude like that and there was no way she was going to.

"But Remus did say he wouldn't mind the company."

"Oh, but he left you, Atlas. You can't just fall back into his arms."

"You're starting to sound like a broken record, Atlas."

The woman was fighting with herself over the idea of helping Remus with his transformation that night. There was no need to since he had the potion, but he did offer the company and the more Atlas thought about it, the more she couldn't keep herself from wanting to go. She felt an impulse to help him, or even just to see him again, and it conflicted her to no end as to why she felt that way. She was a grown woman, she needed to learn how to make up her mind.

"God, I hate myself."

Without another thought she briskly walked out the door and closed it silently to not wake any other teacher. Wrapping her cloak around her, she nimbly made it down the hall, trying not to be detected by any teacher.

With a sudden halt, she paused as she reminded herself that she was not a student sneaking out anymore. She was a teacher herself and it was perfectly okay for her to be out past midnight. Scoffing at herself, she thought of giving herself detention.

She might as well after deciding to do such a dumb thing.

Continuing on her way to the Defense classroom Atlas seconded guessed herself the entire way. She had completely zoned out until she found herself standing in front of the large carved wooden doors that hid the man.

Atlas quietly put her ear up to the door to listen in but she had only heard silence. If she was right, and he was in his office, there was no doubt the werewolf could smell her from her. Remus always talked about how intense his senses that he developed over the full moon and how humans would simply be overwhelmed at how powerful they are.

Taking one last breath of courage, Atlas unlocked the door and opened it. Stepping in as silently as she could, she locked it behind her. In the blink of an eye, she morphed into her animagus form. A small ferret the size of a foot scurried along the class room floors, weaving between the desks and chairs. With her long body, she pulled herself up the marble staircase.  At the top of them, the second door blocked her way into his office but there was a small hole underneath that she flattened herself into to get inside.

Sometimes being the small animal had its own advantages.

Immediately, as she pushed herself through the crack, she was met by the large wet nose of a Werewolf. She would have screamed if she had the ability. Staring down at her was a creature that many people were terrified of. And Atlas really couldn't blame them. With sharp teeth poking out of its mouth and eyes that could pierced anyone's soul, Remus was surely one to be feared. The werewolf form of him as a hormonal teenager was a lot different than the grown man's. It was as if the wolf had doubled in size.

The little ferret held its ground as the creature breathed heavily in her face, waiting for the other to move. There was a fear in her that the potion he claimed would help him didn't work. Or that being an animagus doesn't evade the effects of his condition anymore. But a long minute had passed and the beast had not launched himself at her yet.

Suddenly, the werewolf had moved its muzzle closer and touched her nose to his. And while Remus could not speak for himself, Atlas knew what it had meant.

"Thank you..."

Just like old times, Atlas had wanted to play with the wolf. It was the only way to distract the young boy and to keep him from biting himself. And although she knew he wouldn't do it now as he had his conscience, she wanted to lighten his mood. Quickly, Atlas scrambled through the man's legs and gave a small harmless bite to his ankle. The wolf jumped and fell back, looking under him to watch as the ferret watched him smugly.

Atlas took off again and Remus immediately caught on. The large wolf had scurried across the floorboard as the ferret crawled under his desk. He went behind it and snapped under, hitting his head on the top as the ferret nipped him again.

A long game of tag went on as the two of them wore each other out. The werewolf was excited to have finally someone to play with again and jumped around as if he was a small puppy.

The woman enjoyed seeing that look on the beast, as it was one she had never seen before.

But it wasn't long until the man grew tired and the toll of the full moon was taking its effect. Shaking his head, he stopped playing and laid down to rest with a large huff. Atlas didn't even realize how much time had passed but the moon was much farther up in the sky since she had arrived. The tired wolf watched as the ferret observed him and he huffed again, blowing air in the woman's face.

She had enjoyed that night. That was something she wanted to tell him. But she knew it was stupid to shift into a human around a werewolf, with a conscience or not.

Just as he did to her, Atlas tapped his nose with her small one. The wolf closed his eyes, expecting the other teacher to leave and go back to her own soft bed, but he did not know any better.

She was bold to make the move, but she knew she had to be the one to forgive him.

In a swift move, she weaseled her way in between his long arms and dug herself into his fur. The man lifted his head surprised and stared her in the eyes again as the ferret curled up in his chest. She gave him a glance before closing her eyes, too embarrassed to look back at him.

Remus didn't fight her gesture and let her stay next to his warm body that night. And while they had done this many times before in the past, this time Remus's heart bursted from happiness as he thought about her cuddling up to him once again.

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