chapter 5

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I wake up feeling amazing. I check my phone to see a message from Grayson. 'i had so much fun last night :)'  I reply with 'Yeah me too xo :)'  (and no we didnt do anything we just watched a movie) I got bored at home so i decided that i would go to a cafe for breakfast. 

This is what i wear:

I was walking toward my favourite cafe when i saw

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I was walking toward my favourite cafe when i saw.... Grayson? I wasnt sure if it was him, i mean unless his hair got darker and he had gotten shorter. I didnt want to embarrass myself so i decided to walk right infront of him and if he knew who I was he was Grayson if not i would brush it off. And thats exactly what i did. 

It wasnt him. So i did as i said and brushed it off, but I cant say I didnt think about it the rest of the way.

I got to the till and asked for my usual. The manager and I are good friends so i get discounts. I scanned my card and sat down to drink my coffee.

About and hour had passed, so i decided i would go home. I was walking home when I made the decision to go to the park. I sat down on the bench closest to the play ground and just watched and wondered. Would i be able to have what these families have or will i be alone my whole life? would i be able to have happiness? all these thoughts croweded my mind until...

cliff hanger bitch. 

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