Monday, December 24, 2018.

15 1 6

Twas the night before Christmas...
okay sorry.

BUT it is the night before Christmas! This is actual time btw and not a throwback like in the last part of this book 😂.

Sooo I spent most of today with my big sister Keely and my dad. It was fun we went to the mall for like 4 hours and my dad bought us a few things for Christmas. (Btw I don't see my dad or my sister Keely very often sooo yeah).

My sister gave me a gift, too. She gave me a Panic! At The Disco shirt and a pair of sweatpants (which I asked for so I was super happy 😁😍). The things that my dad got me were a Panic! At The Disco shirt (yes another one 😂), and this set of biosilk hair therapy stuff that is sooo nice and I love it.

But anyways, currently it is 10:12pm and I am back home. I was made to stay in my room and wait for the presents to get wrapped. (No, I don't believe in Santa Clause and I'm sorry if you still believe in him and I just ruined Christmas for you. Santa isn't real).

I live with my sister Miranda (27 y/o), my aunt Jen (idk how old), my nephew Jayden (6 y/o), my nephew Maverick (1 y/o), my niece Mackenzie (5 y/o), and my mom (45 y/o).

So the adults are still putting on a play for the kids that Santa is real, well not for me but for the littler kids.

Oh yeah, earlier I got to open two more presents early from my sister Miranda and my mom. My mom got me lights to hang in my room and Miranda got me pajamas 😁.

Soo yeah I'm excited for tomorrow, I asked for a ukulele and/or a piano/keyboard and honestly I think i might get one of the twk buuut we'll see. I'm not getting my hopes too high because I don't wanna be bummed out if I don't get it lol.

But I guess that's all I have to say, I'll probably write about what I get tomorrow 🙂. Merry Christmas Eve!

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