Saturday, January 12, 2019.

6 1 0

- Woke up at 8am.

- Went back to bed.

- Woke up at 12pm.

- Went back to bed.

- Got woken up at 2:30pm by my sister Miranda.

- Got up.

- Called Reagan.

- Made plans.

- Got ready for those plans.

- Walked to Reagan's house.

- Jasmine was there too.

- We all walked to DQ.

- I got food & ice cream.

- They got food.

- We ate.

- We walked half-way back to Reagan's house and Reagan's mom picked us up and drove us the rest of the way.

- We got to Reagan's house.

- Hung out together for 0.4 seconds before Jasmine's step-mom came to pick us up.

- She came to pick up Jasmine and Reagan but said no to me, but ended up taking me with.

- We stopped at Plaid Pantry.

- I got a bag of Dynamitas, a Dr. Pepper, and Mamba candies.

- They got energy drinks and chocolate bars.

- We got driven to Jasmine's.

- We watched Friends and laughed like crazy until 4am.

- We went to bed.

~ ** ~

Sunday, January 13, 2019.

- I woke up at 10am.

- Stayed awake surprisingly.

- Reagan woke up at 10:30am.

- Jasmine woke up at 10:40am.

- We hung out a bit.

- We went upstairs because we were home alone.

- Jasmine ate cereal.

- We went back downstairs.

- Hung out a bit.

- Got called upstairs to eat nachos.

- Sat at the table.

- I thought I didn't like nachos.

- I ate a nacho.

- I liked the nacho.

- I ate 30 nachos.

- We went back downstairs.

- We hung out a bit.

- I Facetimed my sister Keely.

- I convinced her to take me to Dutch Bros.

- She picked me up and took me to Dutch.

- We got drinks.

- She took me home.

- I ate tacos.

- I cleaned my room.

- I sat on my bed and now I'm writing this.

- Bye.

- Oh also did I mention that I got an Iphone X.

- And Jasmine gave me her guitar.

- K bye now.

Marissa BWhere stories live. Discover now