A boy

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Ok I'm not gonna lie, I hadn't had a boyfriend in two years. My last one was in 5th grade that lasted like 3 months. I wasn't even thinking about having a boyfriend at all this year, I talked about wanting one but I wasn't trying to get one or anything.

Then one day my best friend Rahmiah invited me to hang out with her and her friends Connor and Sam. I decided to go because I wasn't doing anything. We went to Dairy Queen and hung out. I knew Connor just a bit from texting him last year because we always wanted to become closer friends but never did. So it was cool to finally hang out with him. I saw him and I only thought of him as a friend, nothing else crossed my mind.

We had all been at DQ for like 2 hours, just chilling at a booth. I started taking Snapchat videos and Connor scooted closer to be in some. Then Rahmiah, out of nowhere, said that we would make a cute couple. That's when I started thinking, but I told myself I didn't wanna date him.

We went to our school and walked around the track and Connor and I held hands for no reason, it could've been that Rahmiah told us to but I don't remember. All I know is that he kept tightening his grip on my hand every once and a while, and it gave me butterflies. Rahmiah and I went back to her house that day and I facetimed Connor until 3am when I fell asleep on the phone. (Rahmiah was Facetiming Sam btw I didn't ditch her 😂). That's when my crush on him developed I guess lol. We hung out the next day and Connor gave me one of his hoodies.

A few days later Connor and I still talked but not as much and I decided my crush on him was stupid and it was just an 'in the moment' thing. But then a week later I went to my best friend Emma's house and she let me play Fortnite on her Xbox. Then Connor joined my game and we played until 5am and stayed on Facetime until 6am. (Emma fell asleep btw I didn't just ditch her either 😂). All night we legit got into a convo about if we were to get married and have kids what the names would be and we agreed to get two dogs, one thats mine and one thats his.

At this point I realized my crush on Connor never went away, but I still didn't want to admit I was crushing on him.

We kept talking, becoming closer and closer. And one day I snuck out and went to his house lol but don't tell nobody. I was at my cousin Jasmine's house because she lives way closer to him than I do, so to make it easier she let me stay the night there and go. I left at 11pm and got there around 11:15.

He came outside and led me into his house, we quietly went up the stairs and into his room. It was so warm in there, and it smelt like his cologne 😍🤤. He has LED color-changing lights set on blue. He was playing on his ps4 and his friends wanted to talk to me ig, and I didn't wanna talk but I called one of them a bitch so yeah. After a while he got off the game and got on his bed that I saw sitting on, and he SPILT HIS MOTHERFUCKING DYNAMITES on the floor.

I "helped him" pick them up. Then we just hung out for a while and I met his little sister who is in 5th grade and she's really pretty and nice. I made Connor turn on Friends on Netflix and yeah. Umm also we may have given each other hickies 😂.... I left his house around 3am and went back to Jasmines.

After that we acted as if we were together, without planning anything. It just happened. Like we said 'i love you' to each other, we had conversations only a couple would have, we had nicknames for each other, etc.

Eventually one day on Facetime I was like, "so are we ever gonna get together?" And he said, "yeah." And I asked, "when?" And he joked and said, "tomorrow 😂," then I said, "why not right now?" And he said "right now?" And I said yeah and he said ok. And that was on April 25th.

So yeah, I basically have a boyfriend now. It's been a week since that day and I'm honestly so happy. I just hope everything works out in the end, because I know anything could happen. Idk. I don't like thinking about it so ima just stay in the moment and know that right now, I love him and he loves me.

Some people be talking shit saying how we don't make a cute couple but I legit don't give any fucks because their musty crusty opinion doesn't matter to me 😂. I'm keeping my baby even if everyone were to talk shit I'd still stick by him because fuck all them they don't know what we have 😂 and they won't even be part of my life in years from now and Connor could be 🤷‍♀️ so why give him up for some random ppl that idk.

Anyways yeah that's my rampage about this dummy, now ima go to sleep 😂😴.


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