Monday, January 28, 2019.

12 0 2

Hey wussah peeps. I know the last chapter was hella boring but that's only because I wanted to write about my day but I was lazy.

Tooddaaay I woke up at Emma's house at 5am, Emma told me how happy she was that we woke up early and were able to go back to sleep, then we went back to sleep.

We woke up again at 5:52am, and Emma told me I had 8 more minutes. I went back to sleep and woke up again at 5:59am by myself and those 7 minutes felt like 3 hours so I was thankful for that 😂.

Then my alarm went off a minute later at 6am.

I got up and got dressed into jeans and a black t-shirt. Emma wore the same thing with a fluffy grey sweater. We went into the bathroom and I did my makeup, and she did her hair. Then we ate waffles.

Her dad drove us to school at 7:30am. We got to school at 8:00am and spent our 20-minute passing period going to each others lockers to put our bags away and crap.

Today was the first day of the 2nd semester so our schedules changed a bit. Only one of my classes changed and I went from Food & Fitness to Exploratory.

I'm not excited.

(Btw at my school I have 8 periods but the are divided into two days, A days and B days, so I do four classes one day and the four others the next day. So my schedule is -

A days - First period : Science
               Second period : Math
               Third period : Language Arts
               Fourth period : Choir
B days - Fifth period : Social Studies
               Sixth period : Math
               Seventh period : Exploratory
               Eighth period : Gym

Today was an A day).

My least favorite teacher, Mrs. Moe, teaches my Language Arts class and my Exploratory class, so I get her every. single. day.

Yay me.

Anyways Emma and I parted ways and went to our separate homerooms, and did our day.

Nothing happened in Science, nothing happened in Math, nothing happened in Language Arts, and nothing happened in Choir. Today was pretty boring.

At 3:00pm I went into the bathroom to discover that I started my period. Whoop whoop. (Note the sarcasm). I made a makeshift pad out of toilet-paper and got on the school bus to go home.

Once I got home I was informed that the power was out. And it was all fun and games until it got dark outside. Then we had to bust out flashlights and candles to see where we stepped. My niece and nephew, Mackenzie and Jayden, ate sandwiches and cleaned the living room and got into bed.

I got them all situated and now I'm chillin on my couch in the dark just writing this. I'm glad I have cellular data or else I wouldn't be able to go on the internet 😐.

Anyways that's my day. Lol. K bye.

Marissa BWhere stories live. Discover now