Chapter 1: The Raid and the Egg

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Leonardo's storm grey eyes stared up at the towering skyscraper, a deep scowl set on his features. This raid had go smoothly, just as they had planned. Had been planning for months now. Why? Because this raid would not only get them the supplies they were in desperate need of but it would also surve to land a critical blow his family's long time enemy, the Shredder, the man who owned this building but knowing the maniac probably owned several others all over New York.

Behind him, hidden in the shadows, were his brothers.

Rapheal, who sported a red mask was the second oldest in their family, younger to Leo by only a few months. Raph was a little short tempered but he knew where to apply all his pent up anger. He was very skilled with his sais and had a lot of untapped potential.....well they all did but according to master Splinter Raph hadn't even reached his milestone yet, it seemed his anger kept him from his true potential. Despite his fowl temper he was compassionate and considerate when it came to his brothers and their sensei.

Their youngest brother, who wore a purple mask, was Donatello. Donnie was the brains of their family, not that Leo or Raph were dumb, it was just that Donnie was born a genius. Most of the teams battle strategies were made by Donnie and they were flawless....they always were. Sadly his lack of confidence in his skills and in himself held him back a great deal. Leo and Raph knew that he could be just as strong and skilled as they were but he just didn't believe in himself likehe should, it was something they were trying to help him with.

Himself was the oldest of his family...aside from Master Splinter that is. He was training to be not only their leader but how to be the reasonable older brother his brothers needed him to be. Despite his long training hours to hone his skills and his sessions with Master Splinter there still seem to be something holding him back from being the person his family needed him to be and it often left the leader in blue questioning himself, more so recently them when he first started training.

These three had always leaned on one another when things got rough and like most normal families they had their fare share of fights. That still didn't stop them from supporting each other and having their brothers backs whenever the situation called and now was no exception as the three brothers prepared themselves to raid the Shredder's stronghold.

Leo glanced over his shoulder to his brothers "You guys ready?" he asked

The two nodded as Donnie spoke up "Remember guys. The storage unites we need to hit are on the 16th, 14th and 18th floors. Raph-" "I know. I got the one on the 14th covered. I'll be outta there before they even knew I was there." the red band turtle interrupted, the gleam in his bright green eyes spoke mischief.

Donnie grinned and nodded "Right. I'll take the one on the 16th floor and Leo-" "Will take care of the one on the 18th. Remember, get in, grab what you can and get out. Try not to attract attention to yourselves but if you are discovered call the others over the walkie-talkies." Leo interrupted "Right!" Stated his younger brothers.

{ Time Skip because right now I'm sick and don't feel like writimg all the scenes. Sorry}

Getting in had been no problem, in fact to Donnie it seemed to bit too easy. Right now Leo was a frew floors above him in the Footclans weapon cache, even if they didn't use anything at least it served as a major blow to the Shredder and his foot soldiers of the lack the proper weaponry. As for Raph, he was floors below hitting up the medical unite, they could always do to have extra medical supplies. That left Donnie to take care of the mutagen supplies, while they never actually used Any of it they didn't need the Shredder's mutant army getting bigger.

Russet eyes scanned each shell carefully and grabbing what he found necessary or deemed important and stuffing it into the bag on his shoulder. He then entered the lab that was connected to the room, hoping to find something useful that he could fix up for his brothers to use.

The minute he walked in to the room though his hand flew to his mouth as he gasped. Large glass containers lined the walls, each filled with the cursed liquid and each held the reminents of what was supposed to be mutant soldiers but from the looks of their grotesque twisted forms things didn't go according to the Shredder's plans. The machines that were hooked up to each container showed no vital signs to these poor creatures.

Steeling his nerves Donatello walked further into the lab, he wouldn't find anything standing at the door. He walked up to each container and examined the long since dead mutant experiments. One was what looked like a white tiger, another was what he guessed was a grey hare, another was something that looked like something between a dolphin and a human...was he trying to create a mermaid? Donnie shook his head as he continued to explore the lab until his wondering brought him to the last container. Inside wasn't a creature but an egg, a mutant egg! The Shredder was trying to create mutants from birth!? Donnie's eyes scanned the description, this little would was going to be a turtle....just like him and his brothers. Donnie felt anger rise in his chest at the thought! For reasons unknown to Donnie himself, he smashed the glass and jumped away as the mutagen spelt onto the floor and eventually down the drain. Once he was certain it was safe to do so the purple clad turtle walked up to Semi-empty container and glared down at the egg, only one thought rang through his mind 'smash it! I need to smash it before it hatches. Before the Shredder can turn it into his weapon against us!' Donnie raised his bo staff to do just that, it wouldn't be anything to smash the poor egg....a weak shell would be nothing for his weapon to smash right through....all it took was just one strike!

{Okay! Here's the first chapter! Hope it was okay. Please review and let me know what ya think so far. Be nice this is my first story. And sorry if Donnie is a little OOC at the end, I wamted to end with a cliffhanger incase no one liked the story. Please let me know what you think.}

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