Chapter 7: A welcome surprise

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He hadn't taken his eyes off the thing! Not once! The moment he saw the faint orange energy glowing around the egg he had focused completely on the thing....

Okay maybe that was only partly true, his eyes might not have shifted away from the egg but his mind....and therefore his foces was else where. He had been so lost in thought ever since this morning, from learning that the turtle tot would not only possess magic but he was to share the responsibility with Leo and Donnie of a sensei to the tiny terror, that he hadn't been aware of his actual surroundings. The energy around the egg had intensified, shone brighter, felt stronger and the energy had spread out as if to reach out for him, wrapping the older turtle in a warm light as if to sooth his whirling mind.


Then he heard it, like a booming sound resonating around his unusually quiet room, it had been what roused him from his inner musing.


Emerald eyes widened as they focused down on the small Egg wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, the soft orange energy pulsing around it like a heart beat, and on one side of the shell.....a crack. Not an overly large one but it was there none the less and with each wriggle the crack grew larger. Raph jumped to his feet, eyes growing wider if that were possible as his own heart raced "Wait Now!? No you can't be hatching now! Why now when I'm the one watching!?" he questioned, his mind in a slight panic as he paced around the egg.


Again following the sound the crack on the egg grew even larger and a piece of it chipped away and fell to the floor. Okay so this DEFINITLY wasn't some sort of joke! Getting his nerves back under control he raced to his bedroom door and all but threw it off its hinges as he pulled it open "HEY SENSEI! LEO! DONNIE! YOU BETTER GET YOUR TAILS IN HERE NOW!" he hollered and returned to standing over the egg, noticing that another piece had fallen off and the crack was again larger then just a second ago. The sound of rushed footsteps could be heard running from the Dojo as his sensei hurried into his room, quickly followed by his brothers "My son. What is that matter?" the elderly rat asked as he looked around for any sign of trouble.

However it was Donatello who spoke up as he knelt down in front of the egg, inspecting it along with the crack  reaching out to caress the egg and allow the energy to wrap around his hand like it had done  before, a gentle smile adorn his face "I think this little one is ready to join us finally." he stated. Then in a flash Leo was by his side studying the egg as well, their father coming to stand behind the three as he watched from over their shoulders, a similar smile on his face as he watched the three.... whom days ago hadn't even wanted the young tot here! Where now gathered around the small egg as it shook and chipped away at parts. The three older turtles, though all thinking different things as they watched and waited, were all feeling the same nervousness and anticipation and even a slight bit of fear. This was what they had all been waiting for, though for different reasons for many days or weeks had they kept watch and taken shifts to care for the little guy and now it was all paying off as they watched a large part of the egg chipped away and they could see tiny claws poking out through the shell.

This had Raph and Leo's eye flying wide open "Claws!? Why does it have claws!? I thought you said this was a turtle Donnie!" Raph shouted as the elder brothers turned to the scientist "Donnie?" Leo asked. Donnie grinned, one their sensei shared as he looked from the egg to his brother "Well....Yes. I did say it was going to be a turtle......but after doing a full study on it, with sensei's help. We've discovered that this little one is actually going to be a-" he stopped as the top half of the egg was knocked off to reveal the tiny turtle tot inside.

Crystal sky blue eye stared up at the family of four with wide curious eyes, skin a brighter almost lime green color. His face and limbs told them what kind of turtle this little guy was as there was a small pointed sort of beak and his arms though only slight longer then his legs ended with claw like fingers. The room was silent for what felt like hours ticking by, two pair of knowing eyes stared down at the tot with a welcoming gaze, the other two shared a look of astonishment but gaze just as welcoming as their younger sibling's and Sensei's. It was Leonardo who broke the silence as he voice told of his shock "He's a.....Sea Turtle?" he questioned. Donnie chuckled and nodded "Yes. It was Sensei who pointed out one day that his egg looked different from what ours did and since I knew we are mutated from Common Box Turtles it had me curious as to what this little tike was so after some research we discovered this was a Sea Turtle egg." the well knowledge Donatello said in a matter of fact tone as if it should have been the most obvious thing in the world. After the information sunk in to Raph and Leo's heads the three turned the eyes back onto the tot who stared up at them in just as equal curiosity, the room falling silent once again. 

It was Master Splinter who broke the silence this time as he chuckled "Well my sons. What shall we name your new baby brother?" he asked as he watched the youngling reach out for one of his older brothers happily. Though it was a surprise when the young one reached out for........

to be continued!

(I am so sorry this took so long to write! T^T I got a little discouraged by the lack of comments and reviews but after seeing this story get so many votes lately. and a big thanks to ALEXENAx who actually messaged me about continuing this I got a little of my confidence back. I hope to be able to get back into this again to where the chapter are maybe a little longer and all. So thank you ALEXENAx and to all those who voted for this story thank you so much. 

Pls leave a review on what you may want to see in future chapters, On who you think young Michelangelo is reaching for ;3 what you like about this story and whatever else. Thank you <3)

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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