Chapter 4: What Once was can Never be Again

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  Donatello stared down at the egg that laid nestled in the basket swaddled in a warm fuzzy blanket, it had been a week since he and his brothers brought home the little soon to be 'sibling' and while he no longer glared at it that still didn't mean he was happy to have it around HIM! How and why had he been placed incharge of the egg again?!....... Oh yeah, it had happened just a few hours after the family's morning training regamine.


Donnie had been working on synthisizing the mutagen they had stolen during the raid a few nights ago, had been working on it since after their morning training. If he could find a way to synthesize it then it would be easy to find a way to reverse mutate all of the Shredder's current mutants and weaken his army by greater numbers! 

It was during this process that Master Splinter walked into the lab, in his arms was a simple basket with the egg tucked under a blanket "Donatello. I have a small task for you to take care of.". He could sense where this was going but turned fully to face his father figure and bowed his head "Yes Master Splinter. What is it you need me to do?" he asked but was startled when Splinter laid the basket in his arms "I taking Rapheal to the surface forsome extended stealth training so I've come to ask you to watch over this little one until my return." He was shocked at the answer and tried to argue "M-Me!? But I've been busy trying to synthesize the mutagen! I'm not even close to cracking the solution! Can't Leo watch it!?" He said, trying to hand the basket back. Master Splinter sighed and pushed it back while shaking his head "No my son. I have tasked Leonardo with a meditation session to quell his anger. I can ask only you to do this-" "B-But Master Splinter!" "Enough Donatello! I shall not be gone long. I am intrusting you to take of the egg until my return." With that done Splinter turned and left the lair with Raph trailing him.

~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~

That had been two hours ago! Although to be fair that wasn't really that long considering he head his brothers are use to training for several hours..... Rapheal none stop! Still though, he had important work to grey done and he couldn't focus on that AND the egg at the same time!

Donatello sat back against thechair with a huff "How am I suppose to get anything done if I have to keep watch over you!" He huffed, giving the egg a soft glare, though he knew it was the little egg's fault......not like it could take care of itself......yet. The sound of the lab door sliding open startled Donnie from his pouting as he turned, hoping to see Master Splinter, was instead greeted by the sight of his older brother "Oh...Hey Leo. What cha doing in here? Need something?" He asked. Leo gave his brother a small smile and shook his head "No I just came to check on you. Master Splinter told me he had you watching the egg so I wanted to see how you were faring." Donnie chuckled "Leo it's an egg. There's not much to really do but make sure it stays warm. How about you? Master Splinter said you were still angry......feeling better?" He asked. Leo hummed but nodded "I suppose.  I'm sorry to stick you with watching it alone. I guess I was still a little upset about what Master Splinter said, I still don't think I can accept the little one into our family but I can accept it living here." Donnie nodded "Don't worry about it. I get it but I guess we can't blame it for who its creator is. Let's try to remember that maybe it won't make us so angry that they're here." He said, trying to lighten the mood a little. In truth he wasn't angry abou it anymore, Master Splinter had a point....the little tike couldn't be blamed for the things the Shredder had done, IT WASN'T EVEN BORN YET!.

While Donatello turned back to his computer screen to continue whatever it was he was doing with the mutagen Leo's critical eyes turned towards their soon to be born housemate. Stormy grey eyes shifted between soft glances to harsh glares, although he couldn't decide if they were directed towards the egg or at himself. What was he thinking?! He was suppose to be the leader of this team, he had decided to bring the egg home! Why was he having such a hard time welcoming the littler one into their home? Into their family!? Was it because he or she had come from the Shredder's lab? How was that their fault?! He let out an almost inaudible sigh as he dropped into the chair next to Donnie "I just don't understand Don. My heart tells me not to hate this little one, that he....or she is innocent like Master Splinter says........but my head keeps reminding me that...... they come from one of HIS lab. That they are one of HIS creations. Yet I am well aware that it is not this little ones why? Why can't I accept them into our family as easily as Master Splinter has?" He questioned as he laid his head in his hands. He had never felt so lost as he did in this moment, it seemed even their residential genius didn't have a positive answer. Desiding to put the matter aside for now he turned to Donnie and smiled gently " forget that. Anything I can help you with Donnie?" He asked and with that Donatello began to explain what he was attempting to do and how Leo could help.


He could hear those nice voices again! He could hear the joy in one of the voices they were asking something for something. One had sounded......angry? Was that the right word? No......but he could tell they were unhappy though. He didn't liked it when this one was unhappy, it made his energy waver it didn't know what to do. The other voice sounded angry but they always sounded that way! But he could tell, no this one wasn't angry.....not really just....lonely, why were they lonely? They were surrounded by those other warm energies! The last voice he heard sounded....what was it? Anxious? Yeah! This one's energy spasmed all over the place! He liked this one! This one was full of least that what the colors told him, he had never seen energy like that back with those bad voices.... They had cold dark colored energy, he didn't like them. At least with these voices the energies were warm and colorful and comforting, even if they sometimes One always seemed lonely, one felt.....what was it? Disappointed? The last always felt sad .....was sad right? Kind of he supposed. Maybe scared? He didn't like when they felt liked that though, it had a bad effect on their wonderful energy.

Oh wait he could hear the voices again..... There were two. The one that always sound sad and scared now sounded different. Angry at times then sad again then....then what? Frustrated? The other sounded somewhat happy....if a little unsure. What was going on out there that would make them feel so much at once? They should be happy! He liked the way their energy felt when they were happy! It felt warm. He wondered.....was there something he could do to make them happy again? He had to try right? There had to be some way! He spread his energy out to reach theirs or to reach anything really, to tell them they should be happy.

~~~~~~~~Donnie's Lab~~~~~~~~

Donnie wasn't sure if he was even close to synthesizing the mutagen, yes Leo's assistance was a big help by gatheringthe materials he needed to test but he still felt like he was no closer to finally figuring out the mysterious mutagen then he was when he first started gathering and testing the strange substance 5 years ago! He grabbed his head in his hand "This isn't working! Why can't I seem to figure this out!?" He shouted. Leo's head snapped towards him, it was rare to see Donatello get upset though he could understand in this situation, poor Donnie had spent years working to synthesize the mutagen, to the point were he even got sick from working long hours into the night. Leo's lips thinned into a line as he contemplated before he approached his lurker brother and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder "It's alright Donnie. You'll figure out the solution and I'll be here to help if you need me to okay. Just take a deep breath and calm down. You got this, I know you do." He said as he gently hugged his brother. He felt that purple clad turtle relax slightly as he heard him sigh "I'm trying......I really am......what am I doing wrong though? I should have been able to figure this out a long time ago......I just......don't get it." he heard Donnie mutter.

Add the two brothers talked, trying to calm down, a soft almost unnoticeable orange/green light emanated from the mutant turtle egg. Neither brother noticed as the energy flowed towards Donnie's computers and seeped through the vents. Suddenly all the screens started flashing as numbers and formulas flew across the monitors. Both Leo's and Donnie's eyes shot up to the screens and Donnie jumped to his feet "Wha-What's going on!?" He shouted as began typing away at his keypad, thinking someone was trying to hack into his computer. A hand on his should pulled his attention away from his screens "Uhhh.....Donnie." He heard Leo say, he snapped his head at his big brother "Leo not no-" but was stop at Leo's expression. The leader's stormy grey eyes, usually calm were wide and full of surprise add he pointed at something over Donnie's shoulder "Leo what are you-" but again stopped when he saw what the older brother was pointing at .......and for the life of him Donnie couldn't contemplate what he was witnessing could sick a thing be possible!? Several loud bings from his computer caught his attention again add he gave the screens "I.....I don't believe it.......Leo.....look." He stuttered pointing to the screens.

{Sorry this update took so long. Had the deal with the holidays and I'm back to babysitting for my sister so I've been a little exhausted lol buyout here it is finally! Please review and let me hear what YOU think is happening here. What was Leo Pointing at? What's on Donnie's computer? What was the mysterious energy? Let me know what you think is going on! Thank you!}

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