Chapter 6: Can you understand me truely.

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Shockingly neon green eyes glared down at the egg that sat nestled in the warmth of the blanket filled basket. How Leo and Master Splinter tricked him into eggsitting was still hard for Raphael to figure out but apparently it was 'his turn' as Donnie had put it.

He still didn't like the idea that the little turtle mutant inside was suppose to be their 'sibling', not only that but he and Donnie were told at breakfast this morning that the three were going to be sensei's to the little tot, along side whatever Master Splinter would be teaching the little one.

Him? A sensei? Leo he could understand, the leader in blue had always wanted a student of his own to train just as their sensei had taught them. Shell Raph could even understand making Donnie a teacher! He was smart, weither it was understanding a kata or just with machines he had plenty to offer when it came to teaching the little tot.....but Raph? What could Raphael teach them? He was strong sure but even he knew that physical strength had limits to what could be archived! Especially when it came to fighting the Foot Clan, they were tricky basterds and sometimes required a strategy to even take down a small number of them. Raph wasn't good with plans or strategies or anything of the sort so what good would it do to make him a sensei when he couldn't even control his damn temper!

He growled in frustration as he held his head in hus hands, all this thinking was giving him a headache, and to top everything off the little one had magic! Really!? Of all the trouble they could have gotten themselves into they take the one baby mutant on earth that has magic! His glare intensified "So not only do I have ta figure out what ta teach ya. I also have ta try even harder then ever ta keep this family from being hurt or killed because of ya. How's dat for fairness, protecting family from 'family'......not that I'll ever accept YOU as family." He growled. He saw a faint orange energy pulse around the egg, eyes never leaving the eggs form, he may have been trickes into eggsitting this time but with the new information he had received there was no way he was taking his eyes off the egg, there was no telling what the little monstrosity would do if he turned his back on it!?


It was late in the afternoon, well over 5 hours since the family had charged their middle brother with carry for the egg.....trusting that the short tempered ninja wouldn't do anything to the little least Leo HOPED he wouldn't.

Currently said elder brother was sitting in the empty dojo, their father figure was resting in the living room watching his shows. Usually when Leo had the dojo to himself like this he would be meditating, it's how his younger brothers always found him anyways, this time was different. For once Leo wasn't meditating, he was too excited to even try to this time, his mind was swirling with so many different ideas and techniques and battles strategies and katas and so much more that he couldn't seem to focus on just one thing, hmm was this how Donatello felt all the time when he had ideas for different inventions? The dojo floor was covered in blank scroll laid out before the clan heir, four beside him were rolled up carefully and tied with different colored ribbons. WHITE would be 'Beginner' teachings, YELLOW being the next level covering teamwork and stealth teachings, BLUE is of course Leo's own techniques and alot of his battle strategies and infultration abilities and plans, lastly the ones thst would have BLACK ribbons are the harder master class techniques, these he looked forward to teaching his little student as they could learn them together seeing as Leo himself still could get only a small hand full right.

He had been in the dojo since 11:00 this morning going over his sensei's scrolls, writing in his own which katas and techniques he has already learned, those he has mastered, his own creations and those he was still learning to perform. Anyone who looked at the blue masked turtle could tell the young leader was excited and looking forward to being a sensei, and he was! With him, Raph and Donnie being roughly the same age he felt he would never get the chance to be as good a teacher as his teacher had been to the three brothers.....but now! Now he had a chance to be one! A chance to feel like someone actually NEEDED him around, someone that would depend on him to teach them and help them grow into someone better! Faster! Stronger! Someone Leo himself could mold into his own heir! And Leo was NOT about to pass up this opportunity, sure Donnie and Raph would be training the young one as well but Donnie had already informed him and Master Splinter that he wanted to teach the young tot technology and history and such things like an ordinary school teacher would along side the techniques Donnie himself created but as for being a ninja sensei he had said he'd leave that to Leo. The older brother never felt so moved as he had almost burst into tears as he had hugged and thanked Donnie for the opportunity to fulfill his dream. Raph....hadn't said a word about the whole thing.

This had bothered the elder brother, Raph usually had something to say when it concerned family events, but he had simply scowled and stormed off to his room with the egg nestled in the basket. He knew what was going through his immediate younger brothers mind, sure Leo himself wasn't ready to accept the little tot as a member of the clan just yet but that didn't mean they couldn't be his student, of course he had noticed the change in Donnie's attitude reguarding the unhatched turtle tot.


"I don't see what's wrong about letting the little one into our family. They've already helped us with our Retro-mutagen problem so he or she has proven they are more then happy to be with us and help us and even willing to do anything for us. I no longer care if they were created by the Shredder. Shell! I wouldn't even care if the Kraang created them! He or she WANTS to be here, with us! I felt it, and that's good enough for me."

~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~

That had been the end of his argument as the genius grabbed hia coffee and sauntered back into his lab. This time it wasn't to work on the mutagen but was instead to start work on his own scedual for what to start teaching his 'baby sibling'. The whole event had caused their sensei to smile......and if Leo was honest with himelf he had smiled as well, the young one wanted to be with them? Wanted this odd little family of misfits as their family? The thought was oddly...... heartwarming and somewhat welcoming.

Those thoughts however were interrupted, as was his process of sorting out a working training scedual, when a shouted echoed throughout the lair....the all to familiar voicr of their middle siblings calling out in panic...and maybe excitement?


{Weeeell here it is finally. Chapter 6 is finally and officially up! I apologize that this took so long. I've not had anyone leave any comments or reviews on this story so I'm not even sure what readers think of this. Honestly I love these types of stories and you don't find many of them so I'm going to continue it. Please review and leave a comment or two if you feel like it. Thank you.}

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