Chapter 2: Harsh Awakening

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Donatello glared down at the mutant egg, his weapon raised....ready to strike 'I can't...WON'T! Let this....this .....THING ..... become a threat to my family!' was the dark thought that ran through his mind as he swung the bo staff down. However just before the weapon could make contact he stopped himself, the glare still present on his face but pure horror shone in his russet eyes as he stared down at the egg. What was he doing!? This matter who created it....hadn't even gotten a chance to live yet and he was about to take it out without so much as a second thought....what was wrong with him!? This mutant....deserved a chance....didn't it? He looked away as he pulled his weapon back, if he had gone through with this....then he would be no better then the Shredder.

Letting out a defeated sigh Donnie turned away from the egg and scanned the lab once more, there were no mutagen canisters around, which ment the last of it had been used in these experiments. That was a good thing considering that the only  one to survive was the unhatched mutant egg but the question now was ....what to do with it? He couldn't just smash it, that would make him just as evil as their enemy. Leaving it here only ment a life of pain misery and torture for this young mutant for the rest of its unnatural life and would only end with them having another and maybe even stronger enemy......but he couldn't take it with him right? That would literally be inviting an enemy into their home not to mention what Leo and Raph would think....and what about Master Splinter? What would he think? What would he choose in this situation?

This was a dilemma....all possible choices had the potential to end horribly.....but at least the last one had a slight chance to turn a potential enemy into an ally right? He growled to himself, what was he to do?!

As he tried to think of any other plan then bringing the egg home the sudden sound of the alarms going off shook him from his thoughts then he heard Leo's voice over the walkie-talkie "Alright guys. We're outta time. Take whatever you have and get out and head to the meeting point." Donnie was shocked, what had gone wrong? Then Raph's voice was heard "Sorry guys. That was my fault. One of the cabinets was hooked up to the alarm system-" " It's alright Raph. I hadn't even thought they'd do something like that so I'm partly to blame." He assured his brother as he made sure he had what was necessary tucked safely away in his bag. Then his eyes drifted down to the egg once more and in that split second made his decision.

He carefully lifted the fragile egg and placed it gently into his bag, making sure it wouldn't tumble around or break any of the other canisters, before closing the bag up tight and heading for his planned escape route. He should've known the Shredder would booby-trap some of his supply cabinets, he thought it would've been the ones in the labs not the medical wing....maybe the Footclan anticipated the raid tonight? No! Donnie was more careful then that, there's no way they could have discoverd their plan! Whatever the reason it didn't matter now, all that mattered now was getting out safely and returning to his brothers ......of course there was the issue of the egg and judging from what he read it wouldn't be long before it hatched would his brothers react to his find? What about Master Splinter? Would they be mad at him for bringing it with him? It didn't matter Donnie wasn't going to leave it here just so their enemy can raise a potentially strong soldier!

Stepping out into the hallway instincts kicked in and he raised his bo staff to block 3 ninja stars that had been aimed right at his head "Too attention Donnie. You have to make it back." he whispered to himself as he swung the bo staff and sent the stars back at the Foot Soldier. Two missed their mark but at least the last one struck his leg, seeing that as an opening Donnie turned and headed for the window which he had left open and had a zip line ready to carry him to the roof of a lower nearby building.


"Where is he!? He shoulda been the first one here!" Raph shouted as he paced about, he had just arrived are the designated meeting spot only to discover their older brother had been the first to arrive. That was worrying considering the floor Donnie had to search only had electrical security which Don could easily hack into so he should have been able to get out as easily as walking out the front door ......or window in their case. Something was wrong he just knew out! They should go in for him!

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