Chapter 5: Looking Deeper into something New!

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The pair of russet and storm grey eyes were wide as they watched in Awe and fascination at the odd scene taking place before them, the brothers themselves were unable to comprehend just what was happening as they looked between the glowing egg and Donnie's computers as all sorts of information and such flew across the screens, the first was the complete breakdown and layout of the mutagen "I....I don't believe it." Donnie whispered as his eyes studied each component.

At the sound out his younger brothers voice Leo barely managed to tare his eyes from the egg to his brother "Donnie.... what's going on? What's with the numbers? More importantly...... WHY THE SHELL IS THE EGG GLOWING LIKE THAT?!" Leo shouted, pointing to the egg as he tried to figure what was going on. None of the Hamato family members have ever witnessed something like this.....well none of brothers ever have anyway, he was unsure if Master Splinter has or not.....there was no telling what he's been witness to.

Donatello looked up at Leo, looking just as confused as his big brother. How was he to answer that?! His russet eyes drifted to the egg, it was still glowing the same soft orange/green mixture, he had no idea what was going on and how or why such a thing was happening....was it the little one inside doing this? How could such a thing be possible? Desiding to appease his curiosity he stood to his feet and walked up to the little egg, even only this short distance he could tell the strange energy felt....warm? Happy? Excited? He slowly raised his hand towards the egg "Donnie what are you doing!? Don't touch it, there's no telling what might happen to you!" He heard Leo shout out behind him. He looked over his shoulder and have Leo a small smile "No it's ok. I....I don't think it'll hurt us." "B-but-" but Donnie ignored the rest of his argument as he gently laid his hand on the egg and watched in fascination as the energy left his computer only to wrap around his hand, and he found if he listened real closely he thought he could make out the faint sound of giggling "You can hear us.....can't you little one." He stated and watched as the energy crept up to his wrist before it slowly flowed back down into the egg and died down as if it hadn't even been there to begin with "Must be tired after that." he paused, thinking over his next choice of words....this little one had just helped them solve the mutagen mystery so... "Thank you." He said, smiling as he gently rub the egg before turning away to face Leo, who's still held a look of awe and astonishment, Donnie felt no different fact strangely enough he felt incredibly well rested and energized.

Leo hurried over to his brothers side "Donnie! You okay? What just happened, what did it do to you?" He asked as he looked over his little brother for any thing abnormal or missing.... nope nothing out of the usual. Donnie just laughed as he gently pushed Leo away "I'm fine bro. Relax, it didn't do anything to me.....well other then refresh my body and mind but other than that it didn't do anything else. I'm not sure what was going on or what that energy was but if I had to guess......I think the little one inside can hear us. It must have heard our frustration and desided" He theorized but the confusion was evident on Leo's face which only caused the younger to chuckle as he waved Leo towards his computers "Come take a look. I'm not sure how but the energy that was flowing into my computer broke down the mutagen to its basic elements." He explained as he brought up each chemical component "Uhh and what does that mean exactly?" He heard Leo ask. Donatello chuckled again as he continued to type away at his keyboard "What it means is that he...or she, just made it a hole shell off a lot easier to synthesize the mutagen to so only could we use it to reverse mutate the mutants under the Shredder's command but for many other things as well. If we get our hands on a larger container of mutagen we could very well have ourselves a powerful and endless power source for all of our equipment and everything in the lair. They'll be no need to so searching for batteries or generators ever again!" He said excitedly as he stared scanning over the new formulas that had appeared in separate files all over his computers, it'd take a while to create all of the different things but with that mutagen now much easier to synthesize it'll been nothing!

Leo nodded as a small smile appeared on his features, this meant.....they were now one step closer to defeating the long time enemy and putting a permanent stop to his schemes once and for all! Just wait until Mastery Splinter and Raph hear this! His eyes then shifted to the egg, it had all been because of they little one inside that it had all been possible after all, his eyes watched as instead of a orange/green mixture there was now a bright orange energy pulsing around it before it disappeared, was he....or she happy because they were happy? Could Donnie be right? Could the little one hear them or was it something else? He would need to meditate on this strange development later. After checking the clock that lay beside his brothers computers he turned to the door "I'm gonna go get lunch ready. Raph and Master Splinter should be back any minute now." Leo called over his shoulder but his younger brother didn't response, no doubt busy working on synthesizing the mutagen now that it would easier to do thanks to their little unhatched sibling, so he left the lab and headed to the kitchen.


It was only a few hours after the strange incident that Raphael came stomping through the lairs entrance, Master Splinter not far behind "Raphael! My son you must learn to control your temper. Letting it control you will only lead you and your brothers into disaster." "I know Master Splinter! I know! I just-argh!!" Was the red masked turtles short reply before stomping away towards the dojo, he really needed to let off some steam before he hurt someone......not that he would.

Leo had exited just in time to watch Raph slam the door to the dojo shut before facing his sensei "Master Splinter is everything alright? Did something happen during his training?" He asked as the elderly rat sat down at the table "Raphael let his temper get the better of him again when we came across a group of Purple Dragons. It had caused him to lose his focus and he failed to keep track of each opponent and was struck from behind. We managed to defeat them but this exercise may have opened his eyes to how serious controlling his anger is." Splinter explained as he accepted the hot cup of tea Leonardo offered.

Said brother was happy to hear that the lesson had finally gotten through to his hot tempered brother but that it had come to such degree made him sad, he had been trying to help Raph with his anger but the hot head never wanted to listen, so now it had come down to this. He desided to change the subject "S-Something interesting happened while you two were out." "Oh?" Leonardo then went on to tell his father/sensei what had happened in Donnie's lab with the little egg and the computers and the strange energy the egg emitted and how it had wrapped around Donnie's hand when the brainy turtle touched it "It was the weirdest thing. Even Don said he didn't know what was going on but after it happened Donnie said that the mutagen was broken down into its basic components and that it should be easier to synthesize it now. I just wish I knew what that energy was." Leo said though he sounded more excited then confused or disappointed. Splinter had listened intently to the odd story and while he didn't have an answer to what the energy could have been he still gave a slight chuckle as he sipped his tea "It would seem your new little sibling is going to be more special then we realized. This also raises a serious problem, if the Shredder were to discover that the little one has such powers he will do anything to get them back. They will not be allowed to go to the surface until they are well trained to defend themselves, of which I'd like you, Raphael and Donatello to help in training them....if that is not asking too much of you my son?" He explained, teasing his eldest son.

Leonardo was.....speechless....him a sensei? Was he even ready to teach someone!? Leo was still technically a student himself could he teach someone ninjutsu when he and his brothers were still learning it themselves? Still....the idea of having a student of his own, a young mind to help mold into an even stronger and more lithel ninja then himself, the idea was exciting and it made the blue clad leader grin as he thought about all he could and would teach the young one "I'll take that as a yes on your part then Leonardo." Splinter chuckled as he finished his tea and went too his room to meditate. Leaving his eldest son to enjoy his excitement of becoming a teacher and to go and tell his brothers news, maybe a student would help his middle child quell his anger some and direct it into something good, like teaching his soon to be young ward to control the anger he has lost control of time and again.

{Sorry this chapter took so long go get up. I only had two people respond to the A/N I posted. But special thanks to Chocolateconfetti005 and Stormsatnight for helping with me with that. Though I am more then willing to listen to any ideas on future magical abilities the three older brothers get their main powers have been desided thanks to those two ^^^ please review and let me know what you readers think of this story.}

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