Are We or Aren't We? (Part 2)

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    (WARNING: the following chapter has a tiny bit of swearing. If you're such a goody-two-shoes, and can't handle the one swear word I put in here, stop reading when you see this '⚠ ' then you can come back for the A/N at the end when you see this '~~~~~~~'.)

                     We continue

Zane's POV

"What are you talking about, Kawaii~Chan?"
" know, us," she stated, continuing to press on.

What about us? Am I really that oblivious? We aren't in a relationship, so it can't be about that. Can it? 

I looked at her in confusion.
"Zane... I need to know." She started, "Are we or aren't we a couple?"

Are we a couple? What kind of question was that? The obvious answer is, no. We're not a couple. I mean, just because we kissed doesn't automatically make us a couple. Yeah, I like her, but not like that. I guess I just said it because it was in the heat of the moment.

"Look Kawaii~Chan, you're awesome and all that, and I don't know why you would choose me of all people, but... We aren't dating." I said, hoping that would clear things up a bit.

"Ok, Kawaii~Chan gets it Zane-Kun," she said, tears starting to form. "Kawaii~Chan figured. Well, can we at least-"

"But we can be." Hold the phone... WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?!

Her whole face lit up. "Really? You mean it?"

Great. If I tell her now, she's gonna feel terrible. And then I'm gonna feel terrible. Maybe it's for the best. At least then Garroth won't tease me about being one of the only guys not already dating someone.

Yeah, what could go wrong?

"I really mean it, Kawaii~Chan. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Great... No turning back now.

"Ummm... Well, I..."

(Mwahahaha cliffhanger of DOOM! JK Here you go)

"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend!" she said her face a light crimson.

Wow. My first girlfriend. Huh.

Wait... But I don't really like her that way though. Does that mean I'm gonna have to pretend?
              ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠

Shit. What have I done?

A/N: so, I had enough time to put out this chapter early, but because it's early it's a little shorter. Now, I'm not saying the next one will be longer or well prepared, but I am saying that it will have swearing.

I'll have a warning in the chapter telling you not to read it because of the amount in there that is relevant, but I'm just saying now, there will be a lot more in future chapters, including more mature themes, and if you skip over it, you won't understand some of the story. I'm giving a warning now, so don't get mad and don't say I didn't tell you so.
So leave the story now or forever hold your peace.

Now with all of that out of the way, thank you all so much for your support, and I hope the new year brings great things for all of you guys.

And if you celebrate Christmas, what did you get?  Some things I got were DVD's, a Wacom drawing tablet, and a blanket.

My puppy, on the other hand, got a bunch of things leading up to Christmas and got even more on Christmas. Not only that, but he's turning 4 months old tomorrow (the 27th), so... Yeah. *sigh* My family doesn't love me when my puppy's around.

I also wanted to give a shout-out to my friends layliketoread and 1_Aphmau_Fan for being the reason I actually posted this story. So if you guys are reading this, thanks. And if you aren't following them go and do it. (you could also follow me too, but I don't wanna force you)

Anyways that's all for now, thanks for reading and stay warm! <3

       - Author~Sama

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