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Hello ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary friends! 

I just wanted to say that next week's chapter is going to be delayed due to school, and my mental and physical health.

I had been sick recently and missed a couple of days of school, so A: I have to make up a bit more work. And B: I had been staying up until like 5 am on a school day, just because I could or because I didn't finish my homework. (Like the responsible student I am)

For those reasons, I now have a lack of sleep and two parents that don't believe in making up sleep. (My parents weren't like this before, I honestly don't know what happened) 

So for the next week or so, I'm not going to update on chapters. Instead, I'm going to catch up on sleep, do homework, and give you all small updates that don't really have anything to do with the story.

On a more positive note, my good friend @layliketoread just posted her first story, so you should totally check it out. It's called Spys of Time (It's actually discontinued now and called Spy's of Life now), and I think you'll enjoy it. I just finished reading the first chapter, and I'm super excited to see where it's going.

Again, I am so sorry about this delay, but I will be back in a week or two. I don't ever want to hiatus, or discontinue this story since it's my first one, and I just don't want that to happen. I've also been on your side and know how terrible it feels when a story is on hiatus, or even worse, discontinued. (Author~Sama: *shudders just thinking about it*) I'm not promising anything though. I've had writer's block before, and it was really hard to get rid of, so if that ever happens to me during this story I don't know what I'll do.

With that, I don't really have much else to say except that I'm sorry, and I hope you all understand. 

Thanks for reading, and stay warm!

                                               - Author~Sama <3

The Secrets We Share || Zane~Chan Series Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now