Chapter 5: You're Dating HIM? (part 1)

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A/N: Happy New Years!

Garroth's POV

I woke up to the notification sound my phone makes. Ugh. So annoying.

A text from Zane? Why would he be texting me? I mean I'm not upset, it's been forever since Zane and I have truly talked.

(Z= Zane.  G= Garroth)

Z: Hey, Garroth I have some news.

G: What is it baby brother?  Did u finally realize that u need more friends?

I snickered aloud at my joke, before hopping out of bed. I smelled pancakes. Maybe Laurence is making them now. Why, though? Hmm.

My train of thought was stopped when my phone ringtone went off again.

Z: haha very funny Garroth. But u know how you've been making fun of me 4 not dating anyone, practically my whole life?

G: Umm... yeah. Ur still pretty pathetic if  you ask me tho

Z: ...I'm gonna ignore that

G: sry

Z: anyways. I'm dating Kawaii~Chan


Z: r u saying that as an insult? I can't tell since we're texting

G: Nah, it's not an insult.

G: OK, it's kinda an insult.

Z: I hate u

G: You DARE hate your brother?

Z: Whatever, Garroth.

Z: Gotta go, I'm getting another text

G: fine... Laurence is making pancakes anyways, so I was gonna leave the conversation too...

G: later!

Z: Whatever...


Sorry, this one is so short (like REALLY SHORT), but I wanted to get it out today so that I'll have time to process the new year ahead. (I also have a depressing speech to tell my self before I go to sleep tonight, but that's not important)

Hope you understand. Thanks for reading, happy New Year, and stay warm!
                   - Author~Sama

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