Q+A questions

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As I've mentioned I'm going to be doing a Q+A pretty soon. Leave any questions you have in the comment section, or PM me.

There are a few rules, however, on the questions that you're allowed to ask. Don't worry they're not that bad.


1) Nothing too personal. Example my exact address or my area code. I know none of you will do that, but I'm just putting it out there.

2) Nothing that would suggest suicide. You can ask if about it, sure. But this rule is mainly for the comment section alone. I really don't want anyone to get hurt.

3) Please make it easy to answer. I understand that's what q+a's are all about, but I don't want you guys asking me math questions or the meaning of life. (the meaning of life is cheese though)

4) Whatever I decide to answer your questions with, I want you to understand something. If you ask me for advice on anything, and I will help you to the best of my ability if you do, but please be open-minded. If I get harsh with the words I chose, just be a little forgiving. I'm not always the nicest when it comes to certain things. Just understand. 

Anyways those rules will pretty much apply to any other q+a I decide to do.                                              

Anyways. stay warm! <3 

         - Author~Sama

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