Chapter 11: I Don't Know

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Kawaii~Chan's POV

Does he? Does he know? 


"So you didn't miss me?" Zane looked down at me smirking.

"umm..." Seriously? 'Umm' That's all I could get out?

  "Or..." Zane leaned in towards my ear and whispered the rest.  

"Do you have other things on your mind to...make out

I let go of the hug immediately after that and whispered "Does he know?" to myself, before sitting back down.  

*End of flashback*

We had all left from the dinner and Zane drove me and Katelyn back home. Aphmau drove Travis and Aaron back. 

I was sitting in my room. Katelyn was knocked out on the couch. All I could do was think about what Zane said to me.

"Or do you have other things on your mind to...make out?"

Does he know about me and Gene? Should I try and explain to him what happened? I don't even know anymore.

I just want to go to bed. It's one in the morning, I'll think about it later.

Zane's POV

Even though it's one in the morning, and I'm really fucking tired, I headed over to Dante and Travis' house anyway. Travis was pretty drunk last I saw him, so he shouldn't be a problem.

I drove up to their house, still in my suit, and parked in front.

I reached into the glove compartment for my spare mask, but when I opened it, it wasn't there. Damn it! Kawaii~Chan must have taken it out. 

I got out of my car and knocked on the door. I hope Dante's still up.

Seconds later the door opened. Wow. That was fast.

"Hey, Zane! Come on in!" Dante quickly said before pulling me inside.

"What the hell, man? Are you okay?" I asked cautiously.

"Couldn't be better, Zane! I just had forty shots while I waited for you to get here, and twenty after my drunk excuse for a best friend came back!" he spat out, as quickly as he pulled me in the house.

Well, that makes sense. No wonder he was talking so fast. It's still a little odd since people normally get tired or whatever when their drunk, but who said he was drunk, right?

"So what were you planning, Dante?" I asked sitting down.

"Well, I got photo evidence of her kissing my brother. We're gonna use that against her if anything goes wrong." he spat out. He really needs to calm down.

"Okay." I nodded.

"But here is where the real plan lies. We're gonna have you acting suspiciously. You know, leaving early on dates, coming back late smelling like perfume or cologne, makeup stains, messed up clothes, you know." he started off, a bit calmer.

"Yeah" I replied letting him continue.

"But before you do that, you're going to drop hints about wanting to talk about breaking up. They have to be subtle though. Your ultimate excuse will be how you're not that good at communicating. If she doesn't break up with you naturally, we go into phase three: Have Her Catch You Cheating.  H.H.C.C. for short." he finally finished.

"It's a great plan and all but... why H.H.C.C? What about the 'Y' ?" I asked cocking my head.

"Oh, right! I just thought it was easier to remember two h's and two c's, instead of adding a 'y' in the middle." he explained.

"Oh, okay then," I said motioning for him to continue.

"What's your sexuality, Zane?" Dante asked suddenly.

"EXcUsE mE?!"

"Sorry, that came out wrong." he apologized.

"Yeah, it did!" I said in frustration.

"I need to know for H.H.C.C.  If you're gonna cheat on her, you need someone to cheat on her with."

"Oh, yeah, right. Well, I'm bisexual. Who were you thinking?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking about someone who isn't in a relationship..." he started walking closer.


"Someone who is okay with this plan..." Even closer.


"Someone who knows about the plan..." He's sitting on my lap staring up at me.


"I was

"What? Dante are you-" I was cut off by Dante's lips forced onto mine. (I'm sorry)

Now, this is where the real question lies: Which one of us is truly drunk, me or him? Because I had a few drinks, I'm not gonna lie. (Police: Then why did he drive them home?  Author: Umm...plot convenience?) Then again, he had sixty shots in all. I still don't know his tolerance though.

Because if I wasn't drunk, I wouldn't be enjoying this. Would I? I don't even know. It's not like I had any crushes right now anyways.

He pulled away, smiling.

"So...umm...I guess the way to say this you mind if it's me? he asked looking away.

"Fine. Just keep it at bromance, and nothing further." I finally replied.

"Really!? Perfect!" he said hopping off me. 

I got up to leave.

"And you don't mind, making out with me, on camera?" he asked opening the door for me.

I shouldn't do this...                                                                                                                                                                                *To be continued*

Muahahahaha Cliffhanger! This isn't a two-parter, I just left it at a cliffhanger, 'cause I could.

Thanks For reading, and stay warm! <3

            - Author~Sama

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