A Poem For You Guys

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So this is a freeform poem. Why am I doing this? To hold off the next chapter? No, not that. I'm currently working on the next chapter, so we're all good. I honestly don't know why I'm doing this. I guess I just wanted to. Either way, enjoy.

                          What Do You Do?

   What do you do, when you want to go home,

but you've been there for the last couple of days?

   Where do you go, when you want to go out,

but don't want to go anywhere?

   What happens, when you know you're loved,

but no one truly loves you?

   And what are feelings,

If you can't share them with others?

   Do you crave what others have,

only because you long for it too?

   Or do you only want it,

because it's not real?

   Do you wish for a new page,

a new chapter, new ending?

   because of the fact you cannot mend the life you already have?

What happens when you can't feel at all?

   And what do you do when you can't have it all?

What do you do, when your heart stops beating,

   and yet you're still alive?

When will you truly start to live? What will you start to do then?

                                            - Author~Sama <3

Stay warm you guys. Next chapter is coming out later today/ tonight/ 1 am (my time)

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