Chapter 26: Can Aaron-Kun Help Kawaii~Chan?

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Aaron's POV

Once I reached the park I headed straight to the swingset. There's a row of park benches on the opposite side of the swings and behind the benches is a row of bushes. If you look carefully enough, there's a small pathway through the bushes and as you go through there's a small clearing with a pond.

It's really pretty the birds and animals are always there. There are large Blue and Purple Wisteria hybrids, Pink Weeping Willows, and a huge Dogwood and Hydrangea hybrid tree which overlooks it all. All of the flowers from the trees slowly fall onto the pond creating a beautiful light when the sun hits the area. Around the pond, there are these pretty Dahlias, that surround the entire pond, and make this pathway to a bench directly underneath the large Dogwood hybrid. The bench leans right against the trunk of the tree and gives a clear view of the rest of the clearing. There are hardly any bees, spiders, or mosquitos around, which is very surprising from the number of flowers there are.

Kawaii~Chan found it a while back when she was walking around the park and told me about it when I was first dating Aph. I took Aph there for a picnic at sunset, which Kawaii~Chan also recommended I do, and she absolutely loved it. And I have Kawaii~Chan to thank for it.

So whatever she needs, I'll help her.

I found the spot in between the bushes and went through. I looked around for a while and found Kawaii~Chan sitting on the bench petting a baby bunny. Several of kittens surrounded her and the bunny. She seemed to be talking to them. The kittens were being so calm and were all either sitting and laying down.

As I arrived, the kittens stalked away and were replaced with puppies. Is this some sort of magical garden? It seems to know who's in here. Some of the kittens came back, and some of the puppies left, as I sat down. There was an even number of kittens and puppies, all of which were calm and laying down in the grass and flowers surrounding the bench. I looked down and there was a small baby deer coming up to me. It put its nose on my hand and licked it. I reached my hand out to pet it. I've never been this close to a deer before, none the less pet one. This place has to be protected with some sort of magic...

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Kawaii~Chan asked looking to me, still not putting the bunny down.

"Yeah, it is. I've never touched a deer before. I feel this place changes every time I see it, yet everything always remains the same. It's like coming here for the first time all over again." I said letting the deer kneel down to lay in the flowers next to me.

"Yeah... But that's not why Kawaii~Chan asked Aaron-Kun here..." she started off, setting the bunny rabbit down. It quickly scurried away out of sight. I took my hand off the deer and it slowly walked away.

"Right. Kawaii~Chan, what's wrong? I want the whole explanation. Then you can tell me why you asked me here." I said looking at her again.

She looked to the side, as the kittens and puppies were replaced with grown cats and dogs. The cats were much more ill-mannered towards the dogs, yet stayed on Kawaii~Chan's side of the bench. The dogs completely ignored them for some reason, and just laid down near my side of the bench.

"Zane-Kun and Kawaii~Chan were only friends at the beginning. Well... Zane-Kun didn't even like Kawaii~Chan at first. Aaron-Kun knows that. Zane-Kun didn't like anyone. But, after Aphmau-Senpai became friends with him, he became more open to everyone." she started. The cats seemed calmer now.

I nodded and she continued, "Kawaii~Chan didn't want to admit anything, but after Aaron-Kun and Dante got tickets to Love~Love Paradise, Kawaii~Chan started having feelings for Zane-Kun..." She looked down at her hands. Some of the cats started scratching the bench. Others stayed calm.

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