First Stage Strikes MMA

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The Jab:
This is your left fist, it's a punch that is aimed straight on, to the face and stomach.

Block it/Avoid it
Jab Is avoided by the front block, duck, weev, veer, back paddle and side paddle and slips which I will explain all of those in the next chapter.

The cross:
This is your right fist, it's a punch that is also aimed straight on, again to the face and stomach.

Block it/Avoid it
Front and side blocks, duck, weev, veer, back paddle, side paddle and slips.

The hook: This is used by the left and right fist, (left hook & right hook) it is aimed for the sides of the head and ribs.

Block it/Avoid it
You really wanna protect your ribs, but in order to do so you may have to drop your arms, so you're practically dropping your shield for a rib cover, it is a set up move, but can be avoided by blocking, covering, side paddle, back paddle, weeving and veering.

Uppercut: This is used by both fists, it's aimed to hit the chin, hitting the head up.

Block it/Avoid it
Blocking, back paddle, side paddle and veering.

Over The Top: The over the top hit is when your fist comes over the other person's arms if they're blocking or not blocking, it is aimed for anywhere on the head just needs to come over and then down.

Block it/Avoid it
Blocking, back paddle, side paddle, veering and slips.

Roundhouse kicks:
The roundhouse kick is your left and right leg attack, aimed for the thigh, ribcage and even face, your leg swings around hitting the other person.

They teach you all the blocks for every type of strike and attack.

Elbows: Your elbows are quite sharp, they're pointy right so if an elbow hit your face on the cheek it can leave a split it your face (a cut in other words) your elbow bones are strong bones, elbows strikes are very useful.

Block it/Avoid it
Use the blocks, move out of the way by veering, paddle back or to the side and duck'n'slip (combining a duck with a slip)

Knees: knees are aimed to hit the stomach, head and ribcage, they are very useful if you are tired and are wanting to hurt the attacker faster and more affectively.

Block it/Avoid it
To block a knee strike, you want to use your hands to tap them down, try to grab the leg and sweap the other, forcing them to fall to the ground, you are in trouble if they grab your head pulling it down and then kneeing you in the face, it is very hard to block and can knock you out fast and mess up your entire face along with it.


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