Second Stage Strikes

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Leg sweap: Leg sweaps are used to get people to the ground or get them off balance.

Block it/Avoid it
Lift your leg or get out of the way.

Shoves: Shoves are used to throw them off gaurd a little, can be used as a set up for a hit.

Block doesn't apply.

Pushes: (The school yard's most common attack) Same thing as shove but you use your hands to push instead.

Block doesn't apply.

Palm strikes: palm strikes come from kung fu, a palm strike to the nose by hitting the nose up, it can actually lead to a death if.

Block with your guard up.

Headbuts: Headbutts aimed to hit the nose.

Block doesn't apply or try to dodge it.

Superman punch: A superman punch is, no you don't have to be able to fly to do this!!!! And it's not when you fly in the sky to the clouds and then come back down and punch the enemy in the head. It's basically a jump and coming down with a hit to the face.

Can be avoided if you paddle back or block it.

Set up hits: Set up hits are hits that make the attacker automatically drop their guard.

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