Can i help

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So um I guess I've updated 3 time this week ( ^ω^ ) but I hope You had a hopeful Christmas and got all the panta you desire

Anyway I hope you enjoyed

Kokichi POV

They throw all the bed sheets off the bet and  the person starts to talk "Kokichi where are you~" that gave me shivers down my spine and figuring out that the guy can only mean

"I already paid your mother so give me my services" she is no mother of mine, while is he is searching my room for me I try thinking of an escape,maybe I can just book it since the doors open then something just broke my line of thought

"Found you~" My eyes widen as he looks under the bed "Don't you look cute down there but I would like a closer look" he then grabs my feet and pull me from under the bed

He throws me on the bed and pins me "Please" I'm begging with tears in my eyes but the man doesn't look phased at all "now that wouldn't be fun now would it" he pulls off my scarf, I start to struggle

So this is what I deserve huh I guess I can't have one good ever in my life but I want to see him even today he showed a slight sign that he cared so don't want to give up not just yet

I bit the mans hand and push him off me and head for the exist but he pulls on my arm and I let out a tiny shriek and he rips open my shirt "You make cute noises~" then he starts feeling my chest

I see one of my books it's my biology textbook so I try grabbing him but he grabs my hand, but I push him off for a slight second and in that second I grab the book and slam it on his head, the man then falls down and I run

I Run down stairs and see my mom on the couch drunk and I try walking past her but she begins "where are you going you brat" then she starts giggling, She such a mess. I start heading to the door "Hey you can't leave,This is the only use you have!!" I open the door and run

I run in the night no even knowing where I'm going and I start to process everything that just happened and I realize my mom is not wrong this is the only I can make use of myself, Then some man starts waking up to me

Shuichi POV

I get home and my uncle tells me we ran out of milk so I get the money and leave the apartment and start heading towards the store

On the walk I start to remember what fun today was and I wonder what kokichi is doing but on the way to the store I see kokichi without his scarf and his shirt ripped then I see a man grabbing his wrist trying to take him somewhere but he's refusing but he was finally able to pull him somewhere

I jump in pulling his hand off kokichi "Can I help you" the man asked me "Yeah would you mind letting go of my boyfriend" I see kokichi begin the blush then the man looked at me coldly  "Well this boy is my son and I need to take him home"

Son?!? Is this kokichi dad? I look at kokichi and he looks confused as ever then I look at the man then back to kokichi there's no way there related they look nothing alike "Well then what's your sons name?" The man looked shocked and mad at the same time then he let go kokichi and ran away

"Are you ok?" I look at him all shaken up "Yeah I'm fine" I instantly knew it was a lie "Did he do this to you" I said indicating kokichi shirt "No I did it myself" then I saw him trying to piece together his cheerful personality "Well I gotta go Shuichi" he then starting walking away

I grab kokichi wrist and he winced "sorry about that but let me walk you home it's not safe for you right now" "Oh I'm not going home right now" then I see kokichi realize that he didn't mean to say that "It's a lie, well I'll be fine Shuichi I'm gana go home now" "Wait at least take my number just in case of emergency call me" "Nishishi yay I have Shuichi number!!" He takes my number and begins to leave

I really don't want him to leave but I don't want to be rude and pry too much, After he left I went back on my way to the store

Kokichi POV

Jeez that was close one I'm glad Shuichi was there I don't want imagine at what would had happened if I was forced to go with that man then I remember Shuichi called me his boyfriend and I feel my face heating up I guess he must have said that in the heat of the moment

I start heading to the school and go to the greenhouse, I get there and lock pick it open and found a dry spot and I just lay there and look up to sky with stars, this is the best spot to sleep at since this building is made of glass then I slowly fall asleep

Oooffff  I feel lazy but yet I'm surprised that i finished writing this and I'm just here trying to not lose all my sanity which is a big ooof

I refuse to believe happy people exist

I Hope you enjoyed

(Also if you so random came here and have not read my oneshots then if you can check them out that would be great cause those one shots are my children practically)

Take my love Damn it
('-ω-') <3

[We Can talk over a cup of coffee~] Saiouma/OumasaiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz