Prey and Predator

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My baby is almost done
(つД') aww I'm sad about but it's for the best even though I have more weird ideas for Oneshots but I don't have the energy for it, but now I can focus on this story and figure out where this is going you know

But anyways I hope you enjoy


Kokichi POV

I suddenly woke up from my daze to consistent knocks on the windows and I was startled at this but i didn't let it distract me I quickly grab my phone and run to the gardening clubs locker and hid inside it and I was waiting to see who it was knocking but since it was dark I only saw shadow of what seemed to be a man so I just stood quietly and calmed my breathing trying not to make a single noise then I see the man get closer and closer to me and I start to look around the room to see the best exit and I would have to be the window on the other side not the one the man was tapping on but on the other side there's a window that is closer to the bathroom I hide in so if I time it correctly if the man goes to other side of room where the other window is I could make enough time to go open the window and run which would be my best bet right now

But as I was waiting for the man to move to the other side of the room instead he just stayed in that side and started slowly walks to the locker and I don't know what came over me but my body started shaking and I felt as if I was having the worst Déjà vu

Now I start feeling scared


\End of flash back/

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\End of flash back/

Just great I get to have my terrible memory back as faded as it is in my head it's still there I guess it's kinda like me hidden in the back of everyone's heads

As the man got closer he then stopped and turned his back on me, he must think I'm an idiot as I would run for it now so then I grab the trowel that is next to my head and just wait

The man then seemed to have gotten tired of waiting so he just started walking to other side of the room where I originally wanted him to be but right now I don't him to be because if he's going to that side knowing where I am he must be confident in his speed

My best bet is to throw something at the window as I run then try to jump through the hole so then I grab a pot that is below my feet and get ready to run for it

I slam the door and start running throw the pot to the window causing a huge crash sound and then I see the man running up to me I throw trowel to his face to give me more time then I run and jump through the window feeling multiple cuts then drawing blood from the glass but that wasn't what I was worried about it would to run away from here as far as I can

I try to start heading to bathroom but I suddenly realized that he's following me again so I go away from the bathroom so he doesn't look for me there again, as I run through the halls then go up the stairs I see the man slowly start catching up I look around me to see if there's a spot where I can rest at where he couldn't find me but then suddenly

He was next me

I felt my body just give up and on that moment when I froze the man had pin me down on the floor, I couldn't see his face because it was so dark but I all I could see is his face go closer to mine as if he was going to kiss me then I head bumped his head with mine which made him instinctively made his hands grab his head and I pushed him off me and started running as he groaned

I start heading to the nurses office went to the window and saw that we must have left it open theres a ledge connected to every window so then I climb out the window and move slowly to the left so I wouldn't be seen in the view of the window so then I wait there staying as still as possible again even though I'm shaking

I look down and were decently high since we're on the second floor and as I look down I don't feel scared anymore I feel relief, if I fell right now I wouldn't really care infact i want to fall and be free from it all but then I feel my mind fill up with Shuichi which felt like a heart string has been tugged on but then I lost my train of thought when I heard nurses offices door open

I tensed up at this but stood quietly and I heard the man looking around the room going through everything then he starts going to the window and looks through it then turns outside and leaves the room and then he goes to the next room and I don't move yet until I'm for sure that he's on the third floor

Then Time past and I hear footsteps going up stairs and I start moving back to the window and go back inside I run to downstairs then start heading to the bathroom and I hide in there against the wall trying to calm myself and now I need to leave the school but I don't know how or even where to go

Then I pulled out my phone and looked at my contacts I saw mom and..... Shuichi but I couldn't call my mom she would flirt with the damn creep or she's probably not awake and my finger hovers over shuichi name but i can't call him I would be an inconvenience for him again

Then I heard footsteps again, he must be on the first floor again but his footsteps seemed to be different as if he had somewhere to go, I feel myself become scared again so I finally did what I had too

|Call Shuichi|


[No answer]

Who do you think this man issssss?!?! (Low key I think it's pretty obvious but Ooofff)

Also sorry for not updating last week I had to learn lines and blocking so I didn't have time to write and I was almost not able to write this but I felt bad so here it is

Anyways I hope you enjoyed

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