Can i really stay?

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Shuichi POV

We sat there just thinking until a truck past and hit a late puddle in front of us, splashes us and gets us all wet and I took off my jacket and rinsed it out then put on kokichi then gave him a hand to get up "Lets go home" and kokichi looked at me confused and I just gave him a reassuring smile then kokichi graced my hand and got up "So where do go?" he asked me "Just follow me" then I began to walk and I felt a tug on my shirt and it was kokichi just holding onto me as we walk which made me see a more vulnerable side of him that I doubt that he would ever let anyone see so I felt relieved and I started walking to my house

as we were almost to my house we went through this naborhood as we walk by all I feel is a strange aura around here then I look around me to see guys scattered around looking at kokichi with lust in there eyes and as I looked at kokichi he just had his head down with closed eyes he seemed......scared, I grabbed kokichi and held him close and stared daggers to anyone who looked at him and started to walk faster out of the naborhood

then we finally made it to my house "kokichi you can look up now" kokichi seemed to have blushed at me noticing that which made me feel better after earlier, I started to open the door and walk in then I see kokichi stand by the door not going inside "Its fine you know" kokichi seemed puzzled on what to next but then like the flash of a light he became "Happy" self, "well of course its fine who wouldn't want me in there house" then kokichi walked in and closed the door then he sat down on the sofa "what do you want to ea-" "not hungry" he quickly interrupted "a king such as myself dosent have time to eat" I smirked "oh really what does this king have time to do?'' the kokichi seemed to think then smiled "leave!" he got up and went to the door and I was shocked then suddenly "Its a Lie!" and I had sighed in defeat "nishishi jeez its such a breather to lie" I was confused on what he meant but put it aside for later

"Anyway time for the truth, what do you want to eat?" then kokichi seemed to be away from my gaze "I said I wasn't hungry" I walked up to kokichi with my arms crossed "Please" then kokichi puffed up his cheeks  "hmpff I dont wanna" I put my hand on my head jeez is he childish and stubborn "fine" I said in defeat

I went into the kitchen and started cooking eggs and made some extra for some unknown person and as I was making them kokichi stared but still kept up his stubborn act and I finally finished the eggs and served myself "looks like theres some leftovers would you like some kokichi?" kokichi then just did a fake sigh "I guess if theres extra can't let it go to waste" I smiled and chuckled after as I served him then we ate together and talked

as I was already finished with my food I see that kokichi struggling to eat i guess eating this much food must be hard for him even though it really isn't that much that i cooked "Just eat slowly" i said calm since it seems to be eating it quickly but suddenly ate it slowly, then i got up and put my plate in the sink while kokichi was still eating then started making coffee "Want some?'' kokichi seemed to have smiled at this and he nodded, then i started brewing it and then went to clean the dishes even though kokichi insisted shyly

The coffee was done and i served our coffee and we sat down to talk

"Ill leave as soon as I'm dry sorry for bothering you so much" he said in a monotone voice "What No way!" and kokichi looked surprised from my response even though i don't understand why obviously i won't let him go with someone chasing after him and all those creepy people looking at him disgusting to me and I'm not trying be overprotective or anything but theres a feeling in my chest that bothers me when people look at him and it was hurt me even more if he looked back at them

then soundly i was too into my thoughts i wayback to reality which was kokichi getting up and beginning to get his stuff and i instantly went to stop "Kokichi you can't go" once again kokichi was confused "why not?" "its dangerous what if that person at the school goes after you again" i go up to him and hold his hands "you need to care for yourself more" Kokichi started blushing at this which wasn't my intention but how cute he is worth more then oxygen itself "still i can't stay here" he stated "why not its better then where you were before speaking of where were you staying anyway?" kokichi looked away for second but suddenly "Nishishi who knows" which kinda made me sigh in disappointment to be fare when can i ever get a straight on answer with this guy

"Anyway you can just stay here for now i promise ill take care of you" i smiled reassuringly and kokichi blushed more at this "C-Can i really stay?"

"you can stay as long as possi- *coughs* you like i meant you like" kokichi then giggled and so did i



ANYWAYS i hope you've enjoyed and haven't abandoned my sorry

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