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Nicki's POV
11:58 a.m

"I think he said it was Eric"

"He took my baby!'

"Mrs. Maraj I will call the police for you"

"Thank you so much"

When I got off of the phone, Bey had a confused look on her face, a worried look.

"Bey, Eric is out of jail and he took Janelle from her school!"

"When did he get out of jail and how did he know where she went to school!"

"It makes sense now because earlier when I was taking Nelly into school a man was watching us walk in, not for one second did I think it was Eric!"

"We need to go now!"

Bey and I started driving to Janelle's school in a rush, Bey started crying knowing the twins were still in school. We made a sharp U-turn going toward the twins school, Bey and I ran in asking to check them out.

"Kaia and Kali Maraj to check out" The woman said on the intercom.

"Mommy!" Kali yelled running down the hall

"Mama why are we getting checked out?" Kaia asked me

"Uh because we're all going on a family adventure to find your sister ok"


We ran out, Bey and I practically drug Kaia and Kali by the arms. I buckled both of them in telling them to play with their toys. I pulled into Nelly's school 5 minutes later

"Are you Mrs. Maraj?" The police officer asked me

"Yes I am"

"Are you the child's other mother?"  He asked Bey


"So we believe he couldn't have taking your daughter very far, we have police looking out for her. We just need you to give me a statement, sit down please"

Bey and I looked at each other as I was about to explain

"Well earlier this morning when I was taking Janelle to school, I saw a man standing outside of the building, he was just watching us walk in, his eyes were dark and scary"

"Do you know what he was wearing?"

"Like a big brown trench coat, a black hat and some working boots that were black also"

"Is there any reason why this man would take your daughter?"

"He's her, I mean, he rapped my wife when she was 17, she got pregnant from it and had Janelle"

"So he's her father?" The police officer questioned

"He's not a father, he's a rapist, that's why he was in jail"

"What's Eric's last name?"

"Eric Pholey"

"The Eric Pholey?"

"Yes it is"

"Oh my God, you daughter may be in more danger than we thought"

He picked up the walki talki from his bullet proof vest and said something into it

"Caller dispatch we have a 207A, attempted kidnapping, I repeat 207A"

"Over, caller dispatch understands"

He put it back and started talking to Bey and I again

"Is there anywhere Eric would take Janelle that you know of?"

The Truth Will Set You Free SequelWhere stories live. Discover now