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Nicki's POV
10:39 am

Today is Thursday, the day after the most horrifying moments of my entire life. Today is also court day

"Baby hurry up, I have to pee!" Bey yelled through the door

"Oh my gosh, wait!"

"Baby" Bey slurred out

"Ugh come in" I implied giving into her whining

She walked in with a big smile on her face like she just got away with murder

"Whatchoo smilin fo?"

"I'm spoiled and you know it"

"More spoiled than our girls"

"Just get up so I can pee" she demanded

I was indeed on my last cycle, Bey and I were planing on having another baby, hopefully a boy

"You ready for today?" I asked

"In all honesty, no"

"Our baby will get justice" I added

"Nicki, would you feel different if you had Janelle?" Bey questioned

It was a question that kind of threw me off, it was so random. Why would she ask that, I thought

"Bey what are you talking about, where is this coming from?"

"I just feel like you treat Janelle different from Kaia and Kali"

"Bey, I don't treat them any differently from each other, I would never want you to feel like I do, Janelle and I have a tight bond that you may not notice but the way she acts around you, she acts the same way around me. The twins may have my last name and may even have come out of me but that doesn't mean Janelle is less of my child, I love her to death"

I saw tears rolling down Bey's cheeks and I instantly rubbed the tears away. She gripped my hand while it was still on her face

"I'm sorry I would ever think that baby" she struggled to get out

"It's a understandable way to feel, it often happens in "our kind" of relationship"

"MOMMY!" Kaia and Janelle yelled

Bey and I ran into the room trying to figure out why the girls were screaming bloody murder

"Baby what's wrong?" Bey asked frantically

"Kali's throwing up in the bathroom, mama it's everywhere" Janelle said in one breath

"And and, her nose is bleeding, blood is on her bed" Kaia added

"What the hell" I implied concerned

"Mommy" Kali slurred out while crying

I walked into the bathroom to see throw up all over the toilet

"Kali baby" Bey commented walking in with a slight frown

"Kali come here" I said

"But mama the throw up" Janelle stated

"It's ok, come here Kali"

"Baby what did you eat?" Bey butted in

"Maliya made us pancakes and then Kali started throwing up"

Maliya was one of our new nannies who probably didn't know Kali's allergies. Bey and I looked at each other not trying to think of the worse

"We have to get ready Nicki, Sammie can take her to the hospital" Bey implied

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